10 books that will help to understand artificial intelligence
Books / / December 19, 2019
Roman Dushkin
Director of Science and Technology of shopping messenger "Alola," the author of books and scientific articles on functional programming, artificial intelligence and quantum computing.
1. "Emperor's New Mind", Roger Penrose
What is this book about: whether artificial intelligence to work the mind, endowed with human consciousness? To answer the question, the author examines a wide range of topics from the basics of quantum mechanics and relativity to cosmology and brain device.
What are the benefits: book will help get basic information on areas such as the theory of computability, computer science, philosophy of science, quantum physics, relativity theory, the human brain device. This framework, which will help you understand most of the books recommended below.
reading time: up to one week.
Difficulty level: simple and clear book. The author does not torment the reader confused explanations. No formulas - all described in simple terms and examples.
2. "The brain and the computer," Alex M. Andrew
What is this book about: the main line of the book - a comparison of natural and artificial intelligences. In contrast to the "New mind of the king," it is compared "hardware", that is living tissue and cells and computing architecture. Also provides the author's thoughts on how should look like computing architecture for simulation of the human mind.
What are the benefits: The book introduces the interesting problems of developing large computers, methods of solutions them through a variety of tasks, as well as a wide range of issues that arise in the study of living brain. The author expresses ideas about how the computer can try to realize the non-algorithmic properties of the human mind.
reading time: one week.
Difficulty level: middle. In the text of a lot of interesting historical information and examples, so reading is fun.
3. "The design of the brain", William R. Ashby
What is this book about: introduction to the theory of adaptive systems from one of the founders of cybernetics and psychiatrist in combination. Despite the title, this book is not about the structure of the device and the brain. It reveals the problem of adaptability, self-control, and the ultra-systems.
What are the benefits: you will learn how such a complex system as the human brain, reaches an equilibrium state, which provides the appearance of consciousness in it.
reading time: a couple of weeks.
Difficulty level: tall. However, after reading the previous two books of terms and concepts in this book has become for you family.
4. "On intelligence" Jeff Hawkins, Sandra Blakeslee
What is this book about: critical analysis of the modern understanding of what should be an artificial intelligence and neural network models. The authors describe in detail a model of "memory - prediction" and considered from the perspective of the model such kinds of intellectual activities, such as creativity and imagination.
What are the benefits: "On intelligence" opens interesting and important idea which may be human consciousness, and that it generally is. Answers to these questions in this book, but there are interesting and substantive elaboration of the hypothesis. Most importantly, you get an idea of how and where it will develop research in the field of artificial intelligence.
reading time: 2-3 days.
Difficulty level: simple book with light text and numerous examples. No formulas.
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5. "Colored emotions cool mind," Alex Redozubov
What is this book about: The author begins with a definition of what the emotion from the point of view of the interaction of neurons in the brain. Then, based on this definition, it considers and explains many phenomena in life: good food, smile and tickling, fear, sex appeal, beauty and harmony.
What are the benefits: book will help to understand the causes and fix a human emotion and other creatures. Due to the previously received information on the functioning of the central nervous system, the reader will develop holistic picture teamwork neurohumoral complex, which regulates all processes in body.
reading time: 1-2 weeks.
Difficulty level: middle. It is necessary to understand the brain and nervous system of the device, but at the time of reading a book such an understanding has to be.
6. "Physics of the Future", Michio Kaku
What is this book about: Michio Kaku summarized evidence-based predictions of serious scientists, and how they see the immediate future, astonishing. Artificial organs, floating in the air, cars, incredible longevity and move objects by thought alone - much of what is described in the book, is already becoming a reality.
What are the benefits: author - a recognized expert in the field of forecasts of development of science and technology, and read it more interesting, more useful and informative than many of today's futurists and journalists. This book will help to find out what opportunities and challenges await us in the near future.
reading time: 2-3 days.
Difficulty level: light but informative journalism.
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7. "The Fabric of Reality," David Deutsch
What is this book about: it opens up some interesting questions, including how to construct the surrounding reality, what the place of reason in it that distinguishes a reasonable matter whether it is possible to model or simulate, and even create. And it gives to these questions is quite intelligible answers.
What are the benefits: familiarity with the author's theory helps to understand the current state of the philosophy of science, philosophy of mind and philosophy of artificial intelligence. It is very well-disclosed subject many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
reading time: 1-2 weeks.
Difficulty level: middle. Artwork from the field of philosophy of science and philosophy of mind.
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8. Trilogy "Cyberspace", William Gibson
What books: here are put artificial intelligence cooperation issues and the people - someone who helps someone who influence and which benefits both sides emerge from such interaction. Interesting story leads the reader to understand the purposes of AIs that are "just want to live" in harmony with people. The whole trilogy and other works of the author have a very strong influence on the narrow-minded understanding of what artificial intelligence.
What are the benefits: great cyberpunk literature, standing at the heart of everything, which is now moving world information and communication technologies and all those alternate realities that are written followers this famous author.
9. Saga-tetralogy "Hyperion" Dan Simmons
What books: the plot is twisted around the space expansion, artificial intelligence and "alternative mankind" who emigrated to the deep space, because it has been disagrees with the vector of development of basic civilization. In spite of the universal scope of what is happening, the novel's characters - ordinary people: a Catholic priest, a colonel, a private detective, a Jewish scholar, poet and Templar.
What are the benefits: a profound work, which seriously affect the understanding of artificial intelligence in popular culture. Reading the book provides insights into the origins of this understanding and a new perspective on philosophical questions about the meaning of life.
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10. Trilogy "Quantum Thief," Hannah Rayaniemi
What books: entangled plot of quantum thief operating in parallel realities, virtual worlds and ordinary solar system - though converted to the needs of humanity. On the Sun, for example, are mine installation for pumping of the core of the star the necessary resources, and each asteroid Kuiper belt and Oort cloud turned into a small house for the family of nations, released its roots from the Finnish Tribe. A lot of unexpected puzzles and riddles, tied to quantum mechanics, nanotechnology, virtual reality technology that will give the reader bored.
What are the benefits: Hannah Rayaniemi - intellectual author of science fiction, the reading of which gives a charge of vivacity and a lot of ideas to think about. In addition, he holds a PhD in string theory. A series of quantum thief in the spirit of hard alternative future where the cyberpunk mixed, posthumanity, full development of the Solar system, subordination of space and time, the human mind, which is already not at all human, and a mixture of natural and artificial intellects.
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