REVIEW: Steve Pavlina "Personal Development"
Motivation Books / / December 19, 2019
Despite the fact that the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" has long encouraged us books on self-development, the emergence of the Russian version of the book Steve Pavlina "Personal Success" is a real phenomenon. We could not pass up such an event and are happy to share with you our impressions from reading.
I am a sophisticated reader self-development-books, and studying each new book is given to me with all the great difficulty - all the time it seems like I'm getting somewhere is heard, seen and read. However, the "Personal Success" Peacocks shook me - I sat down to read a boring book about how to "do not pay attention to the failure, blah blah blah," but Stephen began by talking about how he ended up in prison. Zavyazochki good story, right?
All books on self-development can be divided into two broad categories - one can be opened at any page and read as if nothing had happened, while others have to learn from the beginning, fearing distraction. "Personal Success" - a book of the second category. Formula for Success Stephen - a true formula, with its terms and variables, which he displays throughout the book. And reading such a work - is hard work that requires concentration and reluctance to miss something. If you prefer a light, relaxed reading - "Personal Success" will seem rather complicated.
The second feature that made me tense, is that Stephen from time to time slips by pure self-development to a kind of spiritual practices. Stories about the revelations that have served the author, his amazing qualities to rise above the world and feel quite surprising Nirvâna this, but can be simple (the more so since such moments enough Little).
However, I loved this book - for honesty, openness of the author, for his ability to tell the simple to the complex (and hard about the simple, too - sometimes it does not sound silly). Stephen Peacock in the world of self-development is both in the world of racing Schumacher or Steve Jobs - in the IT world, it's a true superstar, with its pluses and minuses. Steve Pavlina read everything, and those who love it and those who hate him. So you read - will not be worse.
Steve Pavlina "Personal Development"
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