How to achieve goals and get results without any violence against a
Books Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
Enter the system changes
Even if we ultimately simplify the introduction of habits, it will still take time, but we always find better things to do. So the question comes down to this: is it possible to get the desired result without the time and cost of energy? Fortunately, in some situations, the answer is yes.
You can use the techniques that I call a system change. First, I will introduce you to a formal description of the tool, and then explain the more simple examples of life.
Thus, the systemic change - a one-time impact on the environment, resulting in adverse effects are physically impossible, but the desired result is obtained by itself.
I know it sounds complicated, so I go to the examples. Imagine that from sedentary work have become sick of spin. You're determined to pay attention to their postureUntil it was too late. It may look a development?
Variant № 1. The first time you control the posture and straighten your back every time you notice that slouch. Gradually you will think about it less and less, and then completely forget, accustomed to pain.
Variant №2. You decide to trust modern technology and buy a gadget that monitors your posture and gives a signal if you start to slouch. This is a step forward compared to the first embodiment: Now forget about your back is impossible. On the device memory you can rely on.
But you still need to consciously make the effort - to straighten the back after each signal. As in the first case, after some time you get used to the signal and stop paying attention to it. Also I have every time before you start to attach the device to clothing. In short, to full automation is still far.
Variant № 3. In your wardrobe there is a new item - a corset, correcting posture. In contrast to the first two options, now all that is required of you - in the morning to put on a corset over a shirt. He went on to do the job himself, without your participation. Option is good, but still a bit not up to standard. Firstly, it is necessary to remember every morning about the corset. And secondly, wear it all day is not recommended, because the muscles need to get a rest from the tightening of belts.
Option №4. You give your fashionable office chair colleague and instead of buying an orthopedic knee chair. On this chair you, even if you really want to not be able to sit hunched over - will be uncomfortable. This embodiment is an excellent example of the system changes. Suffice it once to attend to purchase a chair, then to forget about the all the issues related to posture.
the process will be automatic from now on. You do working quietly affairs and chair ensures the correct position of the body. I do not have anything to wear, correct, adjust, about something to remember. And even more do not have to to introduce the habit. Issue has been resolved.
Use them in all spheres
One of the participants of my training course to apply the idea of systemic changes to prevention flatfoot child. At the initial stage to cope with deformation of the foot by using special massage mat. If you put it in the baby's room, the child will walk on it barefoot all day long. Not on purpose, but simply because the mat is where the baby is used to playing.
The only problem with systemic change: they can come up with is not for all situations.
If, despite all efforts, to determine such a change for a particular task does not work, try to at least find some semi-automatic solution. For example, similar to the embodiment № 3 in the above example with posture. But if it does not pass, you can with a clear conscience to start work on a full habit by all the rules.
To help you understand which direction to go, let us remember our heroes of the first chapters of the book: Woman on a diet and a manager who teaches English. Each of them can come up with a system to change their situation and thus facilitate the movement of the target.
Learning English
For the wording of the task manager will look something like this: "Learn English happens by itself, without deliberate effort." Yes this is the dream of every student and the student!
What can we do to make this dream become a reality? For example, to change the interface language on all devices, with which we are dealing with during the day: computer, laptop, smartphone and tablet. It should do the same with the programs and services, starting with social networks and ending with e-mail clients.
Thus, most of the day we will be immersed in an English-speaking context. Oxford accent of this is unlikely to emerge, but some previously unknown words, phrases and language structures will eventually become commonplace. Semi-automatic solution for this situation is to replace the Russian-language movies and TV shows in English. Or at least download the English subtitles.
Weight Loss
We now turn to a girl who wants to get rid of extra kilos. Here the problem statement will sound just fabulous, "How to do nothing and still lose weight." As the system changes will approach popular advice of nutritionists: clean the house all large, deep and capacious dish, but instead use the small plate.
This is likely to lead to the fact that our heroine will have a little less or a little more... to walk. Just now, to get the usual portion size, you need some time to walk to the kitchen for more.
If you develop this idea, we can and forks with spoons replaced by chopsticks. Then she perforce begins to eat slowly, calmly and consciously, and it definitely will benefit her digestion.
Have you heard the story about the American Eric O'Gree? Systemic change has turned his life upside down and has inspired thousands of people. Eric suffered from a severe form of diabetes and weighed 154 kilograms. The doctors said that if steps are not taken, a man will stretch no more than five years, and eventually the disease will finish it. Then Erik went to a shelter for homeless animals, and took his pet, who was named Petey. Dog for many years spent in the cell, due to lack of activity he also appeared with health problems.
The two began to help each other. Every day, they walked for a long time, and as a result, both get rid of excess weight. During the first year, Eric has lost 54 kilos, and his four-legged friend - 11. Eric was even able to run a marathon, what previously did not dare even to think.
"Now my life is all about what can only dream of, and all that I have to Petey. It is not I care about him, and he took care of me... "- says Eric. His story the man told in the book "Walking with Petey: a dog who saved my life."
Yes, in this case, the four-legged friend has become systemic change! Eric did a single act - to take a dog from a shelter - and could no longer behave as before: bezvylazno stay home and complaining about the plight.
In conclusion, I want to share ideas for systemic change that can be useful to all without exception.
- Do you want to learn touch typing, but does not find time to study? Simply remove all stickers from the keyboard with the designation of letters, and the learning process starts by itself.
- Want more likely to relax the body and get rid of the blocks in the muscles, but do not have time for a massage? Replace standard watering can on the bathroom shower Alekseeva, and each water treatment will become a hot.
- Want to wake up early and do exercises in the morning but can not open his eyes? Create favorable conditions for sleep: replace conventional pillow on Orthopedic appliances, including a humidifier and buy a Wake-up Light. Hang on a window with blackout curtains to sleep in complete darkness. Then you will sleep much better at the same time for being so, and wake up in the morning will be easier.
Other ideas and tips for energy management, goal setting and self-efficacy by Nikita Maklahova and 100 guests looking for his podcast in the book, "It shall be done!".
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