WhatsApp - one of the main competitors Telegram. Yes, there still lacks certain features, but the development team is constantly working to improve it. The latest version of the messenger the opportunity to transfer files of any type and a few nice extras.
Earlier WhatsApp also existed the possibility to share files, but the list of supported formats was limited to electronic documents (.pdf, .docx, .xlsx, and so on). It was impossible to send images as files, not to mention the archives.
The new version of WhatsApp is a limitation. Now you can transfer files of virtually any format, including files, music, video, graphics, programs. They are all loaded into the Downloads folder on your device.
The second change improves the ease of use WhatsApp for image sharing. When someone sends you several photos at once, then you will see them in your stream in the form of a nice collage. It is much more convenient than the display of each image separately. If desired, of course, each file to open and view it in full size.
The changes described above appear gradually in different regions of the world. If you do not want to wait in line, you can join program beta testers on the application page on the Google Play or download the latest version on APKMirror.