Google has Cobiralas add ad-blocking feature in the mobile and desktop version of Chrome. how According to the Wall Street Journal, Built-in blocker filters out annoying advertisements, which prevent the user to browse the web.
publication sources claim that the announcement of the new functions to be held in a few weeks. Now developers are testing and finalizing the work Blocker advertisement recognition algorithms.
A little earlier influential organization Coalition for Better Ads, which Google is a member, published list of standardsWhich must comply with advertising on the Internet. Most likely, the new filters will be set up blocker is considering these recommendations.
Many observers surprised by the fact that Google - the company receiving the bulk of the revenue is from advertising - has decided to launch its own blocker. However, we have this step seems logical.
Spread third-party blockers It led to the fact that the decision about which ads to show, and which are not accepted by their creators. Even Google has to pay the company Eyeo GmbH, the creator of Adblock Plus, so they do not block their advertisements.
With the release of its own blocker in Google themselves will be able to decide which ads to show and what to filter. In addition, the company deal a powerful blow to the third-party ad blocker. The company is sure that many users will refuse to install them, preferring filters built into Chrome.
If you can not beat the phenomenon, to lead it. That's what works Google.