Lenovo has announced an unusual PC ThinkPad X1, which the manufacturer describes as "the first bendable laptop in the world." Its main feature was the flexible touch screen. It allows you to use the device as a tablet, a compact candy bar or a small laptop with a touch keypad.
Novelty is equipped OLED-display with a diagonal of 13.3 inches and a resolution of 2K. Aspect ratio in the expanded form - 3: 2. Bending it, the user gets two screens which in various applications can be used in different ways. In this mode, you can type the text or read a book, displaying pages on each half.
The mode notebook Gadget stable enough as a built-in battery is placed in the right part of the body, which is used as a keyboard unit. Battery Capacity manufacturer did not elaborate, but assured that without recharging gadget can run all day.
As part of the technical specifications until we know only the presence of Intel chip, stereo speakers, a few USB-C ports and camera for authentication using Windows Hello. Also, there is support for the Wacom stylus, which is supplied.
Full announcement foldable ThinkPad X1 is scheduled for 2020. Until that time, the unit will go through a lot of tests, so as not turned out as with a smartphone Galaxy FoldWhose output is shifted due to the display of detected problems.
see also🧐
- Presented FlexPai - the world's first bendable smartphone
- Huawei introduced the 5G smartphone-Mate X, turning into a tablet