after 12.5-inch laptop Xiaomi has updated the model with a screen of 15.6 inches. The main change was the emergence of the basic version of the fresh Intel Core i5 processors with latest generation graphics Nvidia GeForce MX110 2 GB. The volume of RAM is 8 GB of internal memory - 256 GB SSD-drive.
There is also a version with a built-in memory of 512 GB and a top option with the duo 1TB HDD + 128GB SSD. Regardless of these volumes Xiaomi Mi Notebook 15,6 (2019) has a display with FHD-IPS matrix and angles review to 178º, housing 19.9 mm and an active cooling system, supplemented teplootvodnymi tubes.
As part of the connector all the same: two ports USB 3.0, one USB 2.0, RJ-45 and HDMI. For improved sound corresponds to a pair of speakers 3W each with an enlarged volume to 5 dB.
Updated Xiaomi Mi Notebook 15.6 (2019) in China will be available for 9 of April. basic version price of 4299 yuan (≈41 400 rubles). Version 512 GB SSD-memory will cost 4899 Yuan (≈47 200 rubles). Cost of top-end variant has not yet named.
see also🧐
- Which Laptop Xiaomi choose: A guide to the current model
- Xiaomi released a 13-inch laptop Mi Notebook Air cost 38,000 rubles
- Xiaomi released a 15.6-inch laptop is worth 30 000 rubles