Xiaomi officially announced the smartphone Redmi Redmi 5 and 5 Plus. The main distinguishing feature of the device - a modern screen with an aspect ratio of 18: 9, rounded corners and virtually no framework at the sides. On the rear panel - a fingerprint sensor and a single camera. The smartphone is made of aluminum and is available in blue, pink, gold and black colors.
The other characteristics are as follows:
- Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 450 (Redmi 5), Snapdragon 625 (Redmi 5 Plus).
- 5.7-inch screen with a resolution of 1440 × 720 pixels (Redmi 5), 5.99-inch screen with a resolution of 2160 × 1080 pixels (Redmi 5 Plus).
- 2 or 3 GB of RAM (Redmi 5), 3, or 4 GB RAM (Redmi 5 Plus).
- The battery capacity of 3300 mA · hr (Redmi 5), 4000 mA · hr (Redmi 5 Plus).
- 16 or 32 gigabytes of storage (Redmi 5), 32, or 64 GB (Redmi 5 Plus).
- The rear chamber 12 and front Mn 5 Mn - both with outbreaks.
Cost Redmi 5 with 2GB of RAM and a 16 GB storage space is approximately $ 120, and with 3 GB and 32 GB model will cost about $ 135. The starting price Redmi 5 Plus - about $ 150 (3 GB and 32 GB). For the version with 4 GB and 64 GB will have to pay about 180 dollars.
Smartphones have been announced so far only in China. In the sale, they received 12 of December.