The schools teach the basic things basic sciences and in universities - training specialists in the profession. But in any school does not give you the necessary set of skills for everyday life. Therefore, users Reddit We decided to discuss what skills people need in today's world.
1. Learn to sew, especially if you buy cheap clothes online. If you learn to sew on buttons, you save a lot of money on new shirts.
I find it difficult to select tight-fitting shirt, since the existing models do not have the required width of my shoulders. I learned how to sew clothes for myself, when I bought a sewing machine. With this in my life it has become much less of hemorrhoids.
2. Basic first aid.
3. Know how to use Google.
4. Basic financial literacy.
5. When it is necessary to be able to keep his mouth shut.
6. Parents should teach their children to think critically, cooking, elemental economy and how not to be a asshole. These people will be all right in life.
7. Find out how your salary is considered to be: what taxes you pay and how much you charge for insurance. And watch your hourly wage that you pay as much as they should.
8. To be able to negotiate: to discuss the position or talking with car seller. You must be able to say "no" persistent and just unpleasant people.
9. Listen to the conversation. I hate it when I interrupt, if I want to explain something.
10. Learn to apologize. Wrong - well, so you need to know how to apologize and correct their mistakes so they do not have much value.
What do you think, what skills should have every person in the world today? What would you add to this list? Share in the comments!
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