OnePlus together with the new flagship smartphone It introduced its first wireless headset Bullets Wireless. They support fast charging on USB Type-C, protected from adverse weather conditions and use AptX codec for transmission via Bluetooth sound quality. Furthermore, with headphones integrated voice assistant Google Assistant.
The company says that 10 minutes of charging Bullets Wireless enough for five hours of music. If you charge them fully, the music can be listening for eight hours at a moderate level.
Headphones are made of aluminum. They are easily attached to each other with the help of magnets, so you hardly will catch unawares tangled wires. In conjunction with OnePlus 5, 5T or 6 when the two headphone music pauses, when disconnecting - resumed. Later promised to add support calls.
OnePlus says that Bullets Wireless reproduce pure and rich in sound components. Headphones will be available in late June for $ 69.