"Secret Santa" - Christmas is a game in which a group of people exchanging anonymous gifts. Usually it is played in a narrow range, but it is quite possible to expand if desired. Telegram-bot HappySecretSantaBot from web developer Igor Volokitina maximizes ease the search for partners.
At the bot has two modes - single and team. The first is suitable if you want to give something random person and get present From him. You must include your full name and address, so that the user knows where to send the package. You also need to add something to your wishlist - so a person will not have to guess what you'd better give.
If you decide to play "Secret Santa" at work or with friends, you will approach the command mode. In it one of the users creates the room in which you can then invite other participants. Bot will send a letter to each person that he found a Santa - with all necessary information.
Boat very convenient and concise. It will guide you through all stages of the game and tell you when and what to do. Also, you can notify the user that sent him a gift, and to report the receipt of your parcel.
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