When the teacher with a sense of humor: 15 outstanding examples
News / / December 19, 2019
Interest in the subject at school, or even at the Institute depends on the teacher. If he knows his region and is able to answer any question, it is certainly good, but even better if he has a sense of humor. With the teachers lessons can become more interesting. Here are 15 vivid examples from students of various educational institutions.
1. Our professor puts on the hat and cape every time conducting an experiment.
2. Our chemistry teacher wrote on the blackboard for the movie spoilers "The Avengers: Finale" every time we chatted in the classroom.
3. I have not attended all semester pair and that's what the question was waiting for me in the examination test. The teacher asked, as he looks forward several pictures to choose from. The funny thing is that the teacher himself was not present at the examination.
4. In the class there are students who each day draws on the board, "the day the cat." One day he was not in class, so the teacher drew a cat for him.
5. Our professor does not like laser pointers, so it uses a fishing rod attached to her finger cardboard. It looks very funny.
6. Our teacher said that if 80% of the class on the first exam will receive a score above average, it is a day dressed as a Batman. Here are photos from the day, when we found our results.
7. Our school received a lot the new iMac. That's what teachers do in their boxes.
8. Our professor for each Halloween puts on the Pope Smurf. He really goes this way.
9. Humor from the teacher of chemistry: Welcome to organic chemistry, where the question "Where do you keep chloroform" no longer sounds suspiciously.
10. Just a very nice professor of biology with a very nice tie.
11. Newton's third law, my teacher explained on a skateboard and a fire extinguisher.
12. The machine is our teacher of mathematics.
13. Physics teacher, talking about gravity.
14. It is easy to guess that this is a history teacher.
15. If you can name the top five Kardashian, but do not know the name of the first man who strapped to a giant rocket to go into space and return alive, it does not mean you're a bad person. However, you should definitely reconsider its interests on the Internet and reading.
More striking examples of various educational institutions - in collection Boredpanda.
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