Sony He toldThat its new game console will be officially known as PlayStation and 5 will be released in late 2020. The company also revealed some details about the console - in particular, on the gamepad, and ray tracing interface.
New gamepad has not yet received a name, but it looks like the DualShock 4 on PlayStation 4. One of the main features of the controller - the triggers that enhance the feeling of shooting. Press the L2 and R2 can be a different force. And more will be much more realistic vibration: the thrill of hitting the wall on the car will be quite the same as of fall in a haystack. You can even feel the texture of the environment, making his way through the grass or dirt.
The interface will be better understood. For example, it will be easier to find out what exactly each playing in multiplayer, which server, and so on.
For ray tracing GPU will be responsible, not the software. Therefore, the coverage of the games will be much more realistic than on the PlayStation 4.
The PlayStation 5 will default to set the SSD-store.
The new games installed, your system will not only download but also to remove only the necessary components. For example, a multiplayer or cooperative component.
Blu-Ray discs for the new console will accommodate up to 100 GB.
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