Google launched a Play Pass subscription - analogue Apple Arcade. It includes more than 350 games and applications for Android - with all features unlocked, without domestic payments and advertising.
In the first year subscription will cost only $ 1.99 per month, but only if you buy it until October 10, 2019. Then the cost will rise to $ 4.99 per month.
Catalog Play Pass, unlike Apple Arcade, does not consist of exclusives. In it, for example, there is a puzzle game Monument Valley, which is on iOS. The service Google is not only a game, but also the application - AccuWeather, Facetune and others. With Google Play, and so they are available for free, but the Play Pass unlocks the version without ads and with all the extra features.
Among the games available on a subscription now - Stardew Valley, Terraria, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Reigns: Game of Thrones and Titan Quest. Later appear This War of Mine and others. Google will be adding new designs every month.
To Play Pass the Google Play allocated a separate tab. Games are distributed there by genre, popularity and other factors. Any titles can be shared with family members - up to five people.
While subscription is available only in the United States. In the near future, Google has promised to launch it in other countries.
see also🧐
- 10 cool games for Android, working without the Internet
- 5 Free Android emulator on your PC
- 10 great old games, which are available on iOS and Android