TEST: Determine the status of your burnout at work
Tests Productivity / / December 19, 2019
To understand how much is actually left before the line beyond which is a cold emptiness or explosion, it is difficult. Walk a little test to determine at what level you are at the moment.
Since this test is built on an intuitive approach, take the results with common sense. It is not necessary to pass it in a bad mood: you get a distorted picture.
Be honest in the first place to himself. So how often we deceive not our employers or others, and ourselves. It's easier and more convenient: we do not bother issues of universal importance, we just work, because it's supposed to, and so do all. And if we suddenly sorvomsya a well-paid job with all entitlements bonuses in the form of health insurance and so on, we just do not understand and will twist at the temple, they will say that we are fat besimsya.
Therefore, to answer honestly and do not show anyone the results. And if they seem to you is not such wrong, it may be wise to listen to better themselves, to recognize the problem and take immediate action?
Highly recommend an article about they do not burn out on the job. It lists the symptoms and causes of this unpleasant problem, as well as various options for prevention, recovery and prevention. Stay healthy and productive!