Reduce noise from Facebook
Tips / / December 19, 2019
I am sure you had a situation where you have come to look at Facebook, which phone is your friend, and eventually found himself in half an hour for correspondence with some stranger in the group. Phone often, you never know and you go on Facebook again. And God forbid that you came out the second time.
I love Facebook, but has done a lot to me, he distracted as little as possible. Here are some of my settings that I have done to reduce the noise level of this social network.
If your profile floods comments, and you do not have time to process, and the processing of comments do not your job, then you need to limit the commentary. In Facebook, unfortunately, can not turn off commenting on selectively for each post, as it can the same Google+, but you can limit the range of commentators. Why do you answer strangers? limit commenting on friends or friends of friends.
mobile use
I use the iPhone and I decided to abandon the mobile client Facebook (it works for Android). He just is not needed. And that's why. Its main problem - it's
the worst and most buggy software for your smartphoneAnd he is constantly on everyone pulls your phone. You can disable this notification, but then why this program? There is exactly the same browser version of Facebook, where you can Chekina or writing status. Here are just a browser-based application does not pushes you unwanted messages. there is facebook CameraIf you want to download fotochki or watch them. there is facebook MessengerWhich I use for personal communication and as a replacement for a standard SMS, MMS, WhatsApp and other products. Demolition Facebook-client, keep your head and your already distracted attention.E-mail alerts
Well, why do you need this junk in the e-mail, if you constantly go to Facebook? unplug All emails from Facebook, you are nothing important, and so do not miss out.
Publishing content
By posting content to Facebook, you can limit its visibility. Judge for yourself - the majority of publications have laykayut the same people, the same comments. So why write for those who simply observes and does not communicate with you? Believe me, sometimes the best solution is to publish the records and photos for 3-5 people, and the rest do not even know that you have something to write. :) And you do not know what they think about it, because you will just not interested. Fun to drink at that time coffee or a stroll.
When writing a message, select the Custom settings... in the visibility settings access the recording:
Select the recording is only visible to certain people or groups of friends that you previously made to the list.
Now any unnecessary comments, no distractions likes.
levies vanity
The main thing is that you can prevent follow my advice - vanity, which tells you that 40 likes better than 6, 80 personal comments insignificant to you people better than 10 smart sayings of the people you have carefully chosen for their records.
Appreciate your time and use the network settings that have come up with very smart people.