Catch all 5 life hacking for working mothers and busy father
Tips Productivity / / December 19, 2019
Make a list of priorities
Proper planning - the basic rule of time management. But for working parents, it is complicated prioritized. Analyze what problem it is important to perform right now, and what can be postponed for a while. At the same time guided by the age of the child.
As long as the baby is fed with breast milk, mom is unlikely to absent himself more than a couple of hours. But with a half years, the child can be accustomed to the daily brief separation, and free time to devote to other matters. Place in the priority tasks that are most important to you on this day, a week, a month. The rule applies to both workers and the domestic issues.
Think about what kind of things can be written in the very end of the list: non-urgent or those that take too much time or energy. Addressing these issues can be transferred to the days when you are relatively free.
Use a digital-services
Today there are many technologies that make life easier for modern parents, such as smart home. With this system, you can through a smart phone to include audio fairy awakened baby while taking a shower, or run the dishwasher at the time, when walking with the stroller next to the house.
Digital-services help save time on many routine matters. Pay utilities, roads and tax penalties, write the child to the doctor, to buy tickets on the train or plane, to register with the kindergarten, to issue a passport or documents for the construction, order clothes - all this can be done online.
In recent years, in the west are popularThinking inside the subscription box: New research on e-commerce consumers subscriptions to digital services. It is enough to make just a couple of clicks - and you can obtain selected services or goods regularly. For example, you can subscribe to news or music movies, regular payment of invoices or delivery of goods from online stores.
For example, the site you can order meat and cereal puree "Tema", which do not contain salt, preservatives and dyes, so perfect for children's nutrition. Another bonus: the store may not have loved the taste of the child and in your order for a subscription right product always will be. You will need only a couple of minutes to add up shop in a virtual shopping cart and subscribe. Baby food regularly will bring directly to your home at a convenient time.
Subscribe and save time
Combine different tasks
When the child is small, my mother usually everything is not enough time, and my head is spinning constantly. Save a couple of hours, you can, if do some things at once. But it is important to know which of them can be combined.
In parallel, necessary to carry out tasks that involve different parts of the brain. For example, it is usefulRegular exercise changes the brain to improve memory, thinking skills play sports and to figure in mind a shopping list for the next trip to the store. But at the same time checking lessons and answering work e-mail is not necessary. Prefrontal part of the brain that is responsible for concentration, operates less efficiently when you need to solve similar problems.
John Medina, a molecular biologist who studies the work of the central nervous system, in his book "Brain Rules" notes that parallel intellectual work increases by 50% the frequency of errors and increases the duration of the work in two times.
The bottom line is that the automatic action is best combined with a conscious. Some of the tasks you can do automatically: wash sink, peeling potatoes, exercise on a treadmill. At the same time in parallel to check, as a child learned the poem, to answer his questions or to view the operating letters.
Separate work and home
If you are too busy schedule, make a schedule and determine what time you have to be with the child. For example, you feed him breakfast or dinner, do exercises in the morning together, bathe before going to bed, read stories and put to bed. Remember that children are important not only to the amount of time you spend with them, but also the quality of your communication. Therefore, put phone calls and correspondence in working chats and replies to letters and dedicate a few hours a day only child. But watch cartoons or children can brush your teeth and your own, you can also take up other issues at this time.
Those who work from home, it is advisable to separate work and home watch. Define the boundaries of conventional "office" - and you and the child will understand where you have a mini-office. Still it is possible to change into other clothes to tune in a working mood.
If children over six years old, they can easily connect to the creative process as the rescue team: ask them to reflect together on ideas. Perhaps they will not be effective - but who knows? - but the kids will feel needed. And yet it will be easier to explain why work from home - work too.
Learn to delegate
Not all questions need to be addressed independently. Some workers case should redirect colleagues. A part of the household tasks can take on someone who is more free. For example, when my mom lit deadline, prepare a meal for tomorrow, or feed the child can dad.
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