How to make your morning is really good
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Billions of people around the world every day, spend the same morning ritual. They wake up in panic, quickly bring myself up, snack on the go and throw themselves into the whirlpool of urgent cases, of which, completely exhausted, emerges only in the evening. I know, I also used to be one of them.
However, in fact, the morning can be quite different. Calm, healthy energy you need for the day. I'll tell you what to do.
Get up 20 minutes earlier
No, it is better for an hour.
Maths: getting up every day one hour earlierYou will get an extra seven hours of productive time each week! And this time you can dedicate only to yourself, a loved one, and no one else. Exercise, write diaries and novels, meditate, in a word, improve yourself as you can.
Yes, not used to it can be difficult. But there is one simple secret of how to do it - just go to bed an hour earlier. Just turn off the computer, or, excuse me, the TV and go to bed.
The whole day we answer calls, press the button, listen to orders, to perform tasks... At the same time we focused on the outside world, respond as necessary to external stimuli, we try to match someone else's expectations.
Morning is the best time when you can focus on yourself, on your personality. When the brain is not yet loaded the problems when you do not pull every minute distractions, then it's time to quietly think about who you are, where you are and where you're going. It's time to relax and to meditate.
Drink a glass of water with lemon
Try to start your day with a glasses of water. It will not only restore your fluid balance, but also extremely beneficial for digestion. Water will prepare your stomach for the day, bring toxins, normalizes metabolism. In addition, it is simply delicious!
Do the exercises
One can argue about the best time to engage in sports - in the morning or evening. Many argue that in the morning the body is still asleep and not ready for heavy loads, others argue that in the evening, after a busy day, the forces for training does not remain. But, in any case, no one will argue that in the morning to make sure at least a light workout, perform the exercises on stretching or do yoga. This will not only wake up your muscles and ligaments, but also will fill you with energy for the whole day.
There is nothing worse than a hungry fly out of the house, hoping to then intercept something on the go. Sooner or later, your stomach will not stand such humiliation and revenge any disease. So never denied themselves Delicious and healthy breakfastThat will give you strength, good mood, calm.
Listen to music
Never, never turn on the television or radio in the morning. News spoil your appetite, advertising clogs the brain, dull morning shows want to spoil your taste. Television generally unpleasant thing, but in the morning it affects more relaxed mind simply disastrous.
Instead, put your favorite song that inspires you or causes pleasant memories. This will give you a positive attitude and help to organically enter into a working rhythm.
Something like this should start your day, so that it in the morning would bring you pleasure. And what is the recipe for your perfect morning?