The story of this water
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Surrogates communication surrogates relations, surrogate work surrogates of pleasure and entertainment. We are constantly surrounded by some unreal things. We are so accustomed to this unreal that ceased to notice the right things. For many years I lived in Ukraine, constantly buying BORJOMI water because since childhood my mind has put my grandfather thought that it is useful and correct. But it turned out that the 31 year of his life, I was in the place where there is water out of the ground, I saw it in the glass, in plastic, in his glass. And the story below is just that I still have one real thing that came to my eyes.
Water BORJOMI made in Borjomi in a mountain gorge. The word "made" - too loud, as it comes at a depth of 8,000 meters under the earth, and its people just poured and delivered. I always thought that the water from the earth must somehow pump, but it turned out that she (lucky owners, right? :).
It appears on the surface of the wells, which are very cute feature. It looks like this:
She is warm and smells of hydrogen sulfide, a little soda. Drink it in this form are very fond of Georgians in the morning after a wine tasting evening. And they taste so that God forbid anyone. And with food water helps cope.
The water is then driven into the workshop, in which we were allowed in some funny blue robes.
There the water is degassed of hydrogen sulfide, which itself does not fly away. Carbonated natural CO2 and bottled. Of particular delight in me was the fact that almost all of the work make the robots! Robots make bottles, sterilize them, glue labels, pour water, spin the bottle, packaged, and even glue ruchechki to help us pick up from the store just six bottles. Man helps the robot and controls the quality of his work.
And before that there were no robots, and water bottles were packed in straw:
So just I am telling you that you can go to Georgia and drink water there, and you can take in the store - they are one and the same. This is a real, tasty and very useful water.
But in Georgia, you just need to go, but this is the second part of our story :)