80 hours a week from the creator of Twitter, Jack Dorsey's Square
Tips Work And Study / / December 19, 2019
All of you must have read the book by Tim Ferris' 4-Hour Workweek "in MDM author shares the wonders of outsourcing and manages to read your mail once in a week. Jack Dorsey, creator of Twitter mikrobloggingovogo service and payment system Square - complete its opposite. He is now chairman of Twitter and, at the same time, CEO of his second successful offspring Square board of directors. 8:00 Dorsey holds on Twitter, and then goes to the next block to work the other 8 hours Square. Both of his project very rapidly evolving and require the full commitment of any person!
Here is his methodology how to work 16 hours a day.
Jack has a per-minute plan for the day.
The only way to work in this mode - this is to be very disciplined and plan your day.
Every day he has a purpose:
Manager meetings and work to "staff turnover"
Work on the grocery business components
Marketing, positioning and growth
Developers and Partnership
The company and its culture
Weekend, says Dorsey, he held "a little slower." On Saturday, he walks, and on Sunday pays attention to feedback and reflections on the strategy of its companies.
Constantly there are distracting events, but I quickly eliminate them and say to myself, "This is Tuesday, working on the product, I have to focus on product meetings."
What do you think about this style of work and whether it support?