School of Business Communication - free course from the Russian School of Management, training, date: December 7, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
As part of the training, you will develop communication skills, learn to read your opponent by posture and gestures, and understand tools that will help you resist manipulation.
This course gives the most complete understanding of how to build communication in a business environment.
Business coach, consultant on sales management and personal effectiveness. Managing Partner, Head of Projects Department
Business consultant in the field of business communications, protocol and administrative management. Nominee for the award “For the development of business etiquette in Russia.”
Business coach, director of certification programs for top managers and management reserve specialists based on the author’s method of developing and assessing business competencies
Business coach, author and presenter of trainings and sessions on Personal Effectiveness, head of certification programs for top managers and management reserve specialists based on the author's method of forming and assessing business competencies (Fi. S.E.Q. method by Denis Nezhdanov), deposited by the Russian Authors' Society under the patronage President of the Russian Federation.
Inspirational Leadership
• Social instincts in the practice of inspiring leadership and ways to activate them as a leader.
• Instinct of self. Fighting instinct. Territory instinct. Tribal instinct. Instinct of justice.
• Five mistakes that kill motivation. Lessons for a leader. Leadership styles and influence in the practice of leadership management.
• Levels of employee development from “novice” to “professional”. How a leader can choose a people management style.
• “Help” and “support” in the implementation of the leadership role of people management.
• Between the role of a specialist and an inspiring leader.
• Five methods for ensuring employee engagement.
• Metaphorical types of employees: psychology of selecting people and managing them.
• Key leadership roles.
• Leader-Boss: responsibility, effectiveness, commitment to goals.
• Leader by example: integrity, dedication, enthusiasm.
• Integrator leader: unconditional partnership, flexibility and collegial goal setting.
• Three formulas for leadership roles: Boss, Example, Integrator.
Public speaking skills
• Introduction to the course. Why learn to speak in public?
• Preparing for a speech: analyzing the audience and setting the right goals.
• Structure of public speaking.
• Preparation of the speaker and the place of public speaking.
• Techniques for ensuring contact with the audience.
• Developing contact with the audience and maintaining attention.
• Speech options: how to start your speech?
• Problematization of the audience and argumentation in public speaking.
• Answers to complex and provocative questions.
• Motivation for action and completion of the speech.
Emotional intellect
• What is emotional intelligence and why is it needed?
• How do emotions work?
• How to notice and understand your emotions?
• Stabilization of your emotional state.
• How to express emotions constructively?
• Emotions as a source of motivation.
• Emotions and self-esteem.
• How to understand the emotions of others?
• How to influence the emotions of others?
• How to take care of your emotional stability?
Basics of business etiquette and business communications
• Business etiquette: concept and meaning.
• Components of business etiquette.
• External image of a business person.
• Nonverbal language of communication and interpersonal space.
• Rules of business communication.
• Organization of various types of business meetings.
• Office hospitality.
• Telephone and mobile etiquette.
• General rules of business correspondence.
• Language and style of business writing.