Memory development - free course from 4brain, training 30 days, Date: December 7, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
Memory is a skill that is vital for every person. Without it, we would never be ourselves, we would not be able to speak and would not be able to think at all. But memory is not only an indispensable skill, but also an important element of our education and intelligence.
The development of memory, attention and thinking often represents related tasks. Many of our mental characteristics directly depend on how our memory is developed. For example, the process of mastering the skills of speed reading, public speaking, or mental arithmetic is indispensable without memory. Therefore, the ability to remember information is a universal skill.
This course presents online lessons aimed at developing memory and the ability to specifically memorize material. It is ideal for you if you have just recently started thinking about improving your memory. If you already have some knowledge and want to understand the topic in as much detail as possible, sign up for our Mnemonics program.
However, this course will be useful for both. And in order to understand what exactly will be considered, we suggest learning about it in more detail.
Goals and objectives of the course
Back in 2011, a study called the Google Effect was conducted at Columbia University. which scientists came to the conclusion that today people do not use their memory, because they always know that they can rely on the Internet. And this applies not only to some complex information, but even to the simplest things, for example, spelling rules.
And yet, a good memory is still necessary in life, work and learning. This fact is difficult to dispute, and it is unlikely that anything will change over the coming years. Based on this, we have developed our course that will help you:
- Better understand the information. Today, we are bombarded with streams of a wide variety of data from literally everywhere, in which it is easy to get confused. A good memory contributes to the development of the skill of identifying useful and necessary information and discarding everything unnecessary and unreliable.
- Learn more effectively. An excellent memory will be useful in any field, regardless of whether you are in school, finishing graduate school or improving your qualifications. The more developed your ability to remember, the more you can know and put into practice, which in itself increases your effectiveness.
- Develop thinking. The quality of thinking depends on the quantity and quality of neural connections in the brain. Constant perception, processing, memorization and reproduction of data have a beneficial effect on brain health, making the intellect more agile and alive.
- Prevent diseases. As you know, with age, the human brain inevitably undergoes changes, as a result of which it deteriorates. short-term memory, cognitive abilities decrease, dangerous ailments such as disease develop Alzheimer's. Regular memory development exercises help you avoid all this.
- Remember more. This is the most obvious advantage of developed memory. However, thanks to it, you can not only remember important information or books you read, but also retain it in your head for a long time bright moments of life, pleasant emotions and joyful impressions, and at the same time they will “look” better than the coolest ones photographs.
Without developed memory, a person simply will not be able to fully function in the world. Of course, you can be content with what you have now, but why not think ahead and work on your intelligence and development of your potential today? Believe me, the time and effort spent on harmonious development will pay off with interest!
What is memory and remembering?
Memory is understood as a system consisting of several elements:
- Memorization is a memory process through which new information is perceived and this information is recorded in the general system of thinking and associative connections. The key function of memorization is the creation of semantic connections as a result of the work of our thinking and intellect on the content of the memorized material. Memorization is a very important process, the development of which will be given key attention in our course. However, this process is not the only one.
- Storage is the process of systematically accumulating information in memory, including the processing and assimilation of this information. Without storing information in memory, human learning is impossible. In addition, such important abilities as thinking and speech directly depend on this process.
- Recall is the process of representing and recognizing information stored in memory, also called memories. Reproduction can be involuntary or voluntary. Our course will pay special attention to voluntary (special, conscious) reproduction.
- Forgetting can also be highlighted. It is also a process of memory, or rather a problem of its development. The loss of the ability to reproduce learned information can be partial (reproduction incomplete or with distortion) or complete (impossibility of reproduction and recognition). You will also learn more about solving the problem of forgetting in this course.
Features of human memory
We all have different abilities to remember. For some it is easier, for others it is more difficult. In addition, we remember different things in different ways.
Memory is an ability that has individual characteristics for each person. But there are patterns of memory that are universal for all people. And it is these patterns of memory and methods of its development, as well as techniques and methods of memorization that will be discussed in this course.
How to develop memory?
If we approach this issue comprehensively, we can identify a whole arsenal of techniques and actions that help a person develop, train and improve his memory. Here's what allows you to do this:
- creation of associations;
- games with words (for example, pronunciation backwards);
- solving puzzles and puzzles;
- solving scanwords, crosswords, etc.;
- creative activities;
- regular reading of various literature (including aloud);
- cultural and educational activities (visiting museums, exhibitions, reading clubs);
- systematic repetition of important information;
- writing and poetry;
- inventing and telling stories;
- games and tasks for attentiveness and concentration;
- unusual activities (eg, writing with both hands);
- learning foreign languages;
- use of special applications (Peak, Brain+, Brain Wars, Elevate and others).
Of course, for the development of memory (and thinking in general), adherence to the rules of a healthy lifestyle is of great importance. This includes proper nutrition, avoidance of junk food, sufficient amounts of clean water, healthy sleep, exercise, and minimizing stressful situations. All this plays a role, because the efficiency of the functioning of our body, especially the brain, depends on the overall quality of our life.
And in addition to everything, techniques aimed at this help excellently in the development of memory, such as, for example, the Aivazovsky method, mnemonics, tables Schulte, etc. This can also include special courses, which often turn out to be not only no less, but even more effective than the separate use of any methods. Our course also belongs to such courses, and then we want to introduce you to what you will study.
How to take the course?
The presented course is structured in such a way that it gradually covers increasingly complex topics. Therefore, even if you are confident in yourself and your abilities, we recommend that you do not miss a single lesson and take them exactly in the order in which they are presented. Your results will depend on this.
As you already know, the course consists of six lessons. As practice shows, it is most effective to take one lesson every 1-2 days. This contributes to a full perception, analysis and understanding of the material. And practical tasks will help you start practicing from the very first day. Remember to devote adequate time and attention to the exercises and tasks. In general, there is nothing complicated in the course, so we can only wish you good luck.
Lessons on memory development
In the lessons of our course you will find useful techniques, rules and techniques aimed at increasing the level of memory development and the ability to purposefully memorize information. The method of teaching memorization methods is very simple and consists of the systematic development of memorization skills in several main areas:
Lesson 1. Attention and impression
Memory and attention are interrelated functions of human thinking. Without the ability to concentrate on the object of memorization and get an emotional return from studying this object, it is impossible to qualitatively learn the necessary material. In fact, a person’s attentiveness and interest are the main factors in their short-term memory. This lesson provides information on how to train and develop attention and memory using special techniques and exercises, as well as recommendations for obtaining a vivid impression of what is being studied material.
Lesson 2. Associations
The main role of associations in memorization is that we link new knowledge to information we already know. To build a good association, you need to know some useful criteria for finding connections between things, as well as develop your associative thinking and creative imagination. It is equally important to learn how to build associative series and connections to stimulate figurative memory. This lesson will show you how to use the association method to remember information.
Lesson 3. Structuring
When memorizing a large amount of information, we need to structure it. Structuring information consists, firstly, in dividing information into groups and subgroups according to a certain criterion. Secondly, the ability to build logical connections between selected groups of information so that the structure is securely stored in our memory. In this lesson you will learn the principles, criteria and methods of structuring information for the best memory.
Lesson 4. Repetition
Human memory, unlike computer memory, tends to be modified over time. In other words, memory is a dynamic process. How long we want to store certain information in our memory is related to the repeated replay of this information in our minds. This lesson will provide special techniques for improving the memorization of information by repeating what has been learned.
Lesson 5. Mnemonics
Mnemonics are special methods of memorizing certain types of information based on features of the human psyche, as well as on those four rules of memorization that were given in previous lessons. Knowledge and use of special mnemonics will allow you to better remember digital information, specific texts and terms, names, faces and surnames, foreign words, expressions and much more. This lesson will cover the basics of mnemonics, and also describe the basic techniques and methods for memorizing various types of information.
Lesson 6. Memory training
Despite the fact that understanding the laws of human memory can improve the memorization of necessary information, without special exercises it is difficult to achieve high results. As in sports, music, speed reading, public speaking and acting, proper training is needed to develop memory. This lesson will tell you how you can effectively train your ability to voluntarily memorize, as well as exercises, techniques, programs, free online games, methods and techniques for the development of visual and auditory memory.