Layfhaker 2012: top 10 tips on how to regain a full life
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Around the rapidly changing world. Stomping on top of a neighbor, and we write about it in Twitter and are not going to deal with it. We spend weekdays in stuffy offices are not intended for anything other than burning life. Then, after waiting for the weekend, your health coffin in smoky bars bursting alcohol, depart from this Saturday, and on Sunday we go to a stuffy mall to spend earned money on useless crap to us, we see obviously uninteresting movie and eat crappy in grub food court. We are taking loans, which we in the interval of 30 years can not simply give in accordance with the laws of mathematics, update the iPhone 4s on the iPhone 5, even though it had no rational reasons. We are going to rest there, where we are not welcome, where we were ripped off as a sticky, ignoring the world around. We will deal with those who are not interested in us, we go to the meeting classmates and fellow students, even if it did not want to do. We are afraid of loneliness, but because the drive ourselves into the crowd consuming vanity androids. And we are afraid to death to communicate with itself. We do the work, which does not believe, and producing even more likely from the above.
If at least something written up about you, our Top 10, on this subject you will be very useful.This post has been held first place in our shared the top posts on the blog, it spawned a census in hundreds of blogs, media, and paper publications. It wrote answers and arguing. But one thing is important - it made people think that they do, how they do it and what is the purpose of your stay in a large company, which, though thinking about your welfare, but the exchange offers are not always honest.
Let me tell you a secret - I have not ceased to use social networks, but I was able to work out the rules. Previously, they were not - it was stupid mindless chewing chewing gum: sticking to the pictures, seals and mountain crafts blunt-SMM-payers. Now it is not. There is a goal and a means to implement it. Too quickly we have given half the adult life that primitive, in general, saytik, do not you?
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... I like to think that I only have one life - like a soap bubble have only one attempt to burst after 5 seconds and 10 live. I do not want to wait for a better world beyond the grave - heaven or hell, in which I will be punished or rewarded. I do not want to live the lives of 10 million, to achieve a certain enlightenment, and I will not. And I want to be surrounded by people with the same as I do, convictions.
I jump out of bed in the morning with joy and run to work or sit at the workplace with trepidation. How to be happy that you already have? How to overcome the annoyance of what is happening around us? Our 100 tips about it.
How is it that today's children know more than the teachers, but the Ministry of Education continues to ignore it? Why our children are taught that the main one who is older and he's smart, if often it is not so? Why is it so was not interested with their parents and grandparents / grandparents, and old books say that they - the source of wisdom? Why children are told that the teacher knows the way to success, he will plan their career and that he knows the future? And if you do not have children, the article will give you an answer to many questions of your current outlook.
I am sure that each one of you (or almost everyone), it seems that he always misses some opportunities. Bandmate already CEO, and you're just a copywriter? School "fool" has bought two cars and you have only one and a scooter? All around somewhere to go, eat truffles and drink expensive wine, photographed with the stars, constantly tusyat clubs, versed in all things, and you - the loser? It's only in your head and here's why ...
Co-founder of "Layfhakera" and mega application "Buy a loaf"Sergei Bulaev @sbulaev spoke about his experience with meditation. Knowing him personally, I can say one thing for sure - the coolest thing that I personally have yet to be!
We are proud to say that does not look "zomboyaschik" and then spend years of time in the series unloaded from the Internet. Them more, they are more sophisticated, and they absorb unrealistic amount of time!
More on the topic "Watch TV shows? Then you are better than sticks to zomboyaschiku?»
a huge number of legends about Nikola Tesla. Still do not know 100% that it was true, and that - an invention of one of the greatest scientists and mystifies XIX - XX centuries. Scientists are still arguing among themselves. That only is the search for "Work of Nikola Tesla". But one thing is certain - Tesla was a great scientist, has long overtaken the time. Its working principle fascinate many. He could hardly sleep and thus its productivity is not falling. In order to understand the new invention will work or not, Tesla was enough to visualize all this in front of your inner eye. The theory has always confirmed in practice.