Express preparation course for the Unified State Exam in specialized mathematics for grade 11 - free course from Foxford, training in 28 subject lessons and 7 workshops, Date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
Preparation six months in advance
You will study 2 times a week for 2 academic hours and complete everything you need before the exam.
All types of KIM-2023 problems
You will solve tasks of basic, advanced and high difficulty levels and write 3 samples.
FIPI codifier topics
You will understand all the theory that is needed to pass specialized mathematics.
Learn from a teacher you can trust to teach you
Ilya Polyakov
Mathematics teacher
Included in the top 100 best mathematics teachers according to the National Research University Higher School of Economics
Organizer of various mathematical projects
Manage your time and don’t worry about running out of time
From February to May you will have time to analyze all the main topics of the codifier. The teacher will also tell you how to solve new problems from KIM-2023, and will pay attention to the design of tasks for which points are deducted.
Review all Unified State Exam topics in specialized mathematics
The teacher's main goal is for you to understand the principle, not to memorize the rule.
Then in the exam you will cope with the task even if it is formulated in an unusual way.
Separately, the course will explain the points that cause the most difficulties for graduates.
We manually check samples and homework
We do not leave the written part assignments for self-testing - this is done by OGE experts.
We check “for real”, like in an exam, and as a result you receive detailed feedback. All this is for the sake of speed of preparation and your results.
A personal curator will answer questions within two hours, 24/7
The curators understand the program and the subject, so they can easily answer your questions about the course and homework - at any time
They know well how difficult it can be to prepare and understand your worries.
The most important task of a tutor is to help you cope with stress and fear before exams
Class lasts 2 academic hours. Classes are held online twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 16.00 (Moscow time).
Workshop lasts 2 academic hours. The workshop takes place online once every two weeks on Saturdays at 18.00 (Moscow time).
Calculations and transformations (task 4)
- Rational and irrational expressions
- Power expressions
- Trigonometric expressions
- Logarithmic expressions
Solving equations (tasks 1 and 12)
- Rational and irrational
- Trigonometric
- Exponential and logarithmic
- Mixed type equations
- Equations with modulus
Solving inequalities (task 14)
- Rational and irrational
- Trigonometric
- Exponential and logarithmic
- Inequalities of mixed type
- Inequalities with modulus
Probability theory (tasks 2 and 10)
- Classic definition of probability
- Theorems about the probabilities of events
- Probabilities of complex events
Planimetry (tasks 3 and 16)
- Triangles
- Quadrilaterals and polygons
- Circles
Stereometry (tasks 5 and 13)
- Angles between intersecting lines, planes, line and plane
- Distances from a point to a plane and to a straight line, the distance between a straight line and a plane
- Sections of polyhedra
- Finding cross-sectional areas and volumes of polyhedra
Derivative and antiderivative (tasks 6 and 11)
- Physical and geometric meaning of the derivative
- Application of the derivative to the study of a function
- Function research
- Antiderivative
Problems with applied content (task 7)
- Tasks with applied content
Word problems (task 8)
- To move in a straight line, in a circle, through water
- To work
- For mixtures and alloys
- By interest
- On progression
New task on graphs of functions (task 9)
- Linear and piecewise linear functions
- Quadratic function
- Inverse proportionality
- Trigonometric functions
- Exponential and logarithmic functions
Economic problems (task 15)
- Problems about deposits and lending
- Problems of optimizing the production of goods or services
Problems with a parameter (task 17)
- Equations and inequalities with parameters
- Systems with parameters
- Various methods for solving problems with parameters (analytical, algebraic, graphical, geometric, using function research)
Number theory (task 18)
- Divisibility
- Sequences and progressions
- Various types of tasks