Professional Recruiter School - free course from the Russian School of Management, training 16 hours, date: December 6, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
The Professional Recruiter School program will be especially useful if you want to learn:
— Find candidates and fill vacancies. Communicate with the customer.
— Create a candidate search map.
— Write a sales job description and first letter to candidates.
— Look for candidates in different sources.
- Select suitable resumes.
- To interview.
— Assess candidates’ hard and soft skills, identify motivation and culture fit.
— Use different tools when working with candidates.
— Present candidates to customers and work with feedback.
Practical teacher, author of courses and master classes on human resource management. He has many years of experience as a HR director.
Practical teacher, author of courses and master classes on human resource management. He has many years of experience as a HR director.
Business coach, labor law expert, author and presenter of workshops on HR administration and personnel management.
Business coach, labor law expert, author and presenter of workshops on HR administration and personnel management.
Master of Psychology, business coach, expert practitioner in the field of reward systems, recruitment management and personnel optimization.
Personnel assessment criteria: development of a competency model
• Personnel assessment: terminology. Objectives of the assessment. Types of assessment.
• Competency assessment in HR.
• Methods for developing competency models.
• Technology for conducting competency assessments during selection, training, and development.
Professional standards: features of implementation and application. Local regulations
• What is a professional standard. How and who develops it. What professional standards have already been adopted, and where to view them.
• Application of professional standards. Discussions about the mandatory professional standard for commercial organizations. For which professions should standards definitely be used? Professions for which restrictions and benefits are provided. Professions for which there are already qualification requirements.
• Even if the standards are optional, how they can help the company, which is established by the rules for the development, approval and application of professional standards.
• Requirements for education and experience established in the professional standard. Knowledge and skills specified in the professional standard. How to use them.
• How to establish rules for using the organization’s professional standard.
• If the professional standard is mandatory, what and how to change. Action plan for changing documents. How to change job descriptions and staffing schedules. Is it possible to fire an employee who does not meet professional standards?
• Key documents. System of local regulations.
• PVTR is the main local act. Other local acts
The perfect interview in 30 minutes
• Preparing for an interview.
• Setting the purpose of the interview.
• Rules for analyzing candidates' resumes. What to pay attention to.
• Preparing questions for applicants. Types of questions and their sequence.
• Effective communications with the candidate before the interview.
• Algorithm for conducting an interview.
• Establishing contact with the candidate. Rules of business etiquette for a recruiter.
• Analysis of the candidate's competencies. Professional Compliance Check. Analysis and verification of recommendations.
• Analysis of motivation and checking the personal characteristics of the applicant.
• Additional tasks for the applicant.
• How to interest the right candidate.
• How to properly refuse an uninteresting candidate.
• Completion of the interview.
• Typical mistakes during interviews and ways to eliminate them.
Hiring and features of labor regulation of foreign citizens
• Legislation and other regulations governing the labor of foreign citizens. Types and methods of obtaining permits for the use of foreign labor.
• Workshop: “Examples and procedures for filling out permit forms for various categories of foreigners.”
• Registration of employment and regulation of labor of foreign citizens permanently and temporarily residing in Russia, citizens of EAEU member countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia).
• Workshop: “An example of applying for a job for a citizen of Belarus, procedure, required documents.”
• Registration of employment and regulation of labor of foreign citizens staying on the territory of Russia in visa-free regime (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and other).
• Workshop: “An example of applying for a job for a citizen of Ukraine, procedure, features, required documents.”
• Registration of employment and regulation of labor of foreign citizens staying in Russia under a visa regime.
• Workshop: “An example of applying for a HQS job, procedure, features, required documents.”
• The procedure for conducting inspections and the extent of employer liability for violating the procedure for using foreign labor.
• Workshop: “Final testing”.
Lesson. Features of labor relations with the head of the organization
• Legislation on labor of organization managers. Employment contract
• The procedure for hiring and dismissing the head of the organization
• Types and measures of responsibility of the head of the organization
Lesson. Features of labor relations with remote workers
• Labor legislation and features of remote work
• Contents of an employment contract with a remote worker
• Electronic exchange of documents between remote worker and employer
• Procedure for hiring a remote worker
• Procedure for dismissing a remote worker