“Medical biophysics: molecules and diseases” - course RUB 9,640. from MSU, training 15 weeks. (4 months), Date: December 6, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Position: Professor, Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
The purpose of this course of lectures is for students to study the basic concepts of modern medical biophysics - biophysics, biochemistry and nanobiotechnology, its main achievements in connection with the problems of modern molecular pathophysiology. The fundamentals of molecular processes, methods and methodological approaches implemented in modern medical biophysics and nanobiotechnology will be discussed. Students will learn what ion channels, ion transporters, pumps, free radical processes are, and how modern methods of medical biophysics are used to diagnose various diseases (ischemia, atherosclerosis, oncology, etc.). The course consists of five blocks. The first block is devoted to the study of the structure and functional role of ion channels in the formation of excitation in pathology. The second block describes the molecular structure and role of ion transporters in systemic diseases of humans and animals. The third block is devoted to the role of active transport of ions, enzymes and ionic ATPases in the formation of pathology. The fourth block discusses the important role of free radical processes in pathology and the action of anthropogenic factors. The fifth block provides answers to questions about the implementation of modern physical methods in the diagnosis of a number of pathologies.