Each of us from time to time problems arise, we do not want or can not do on their own. For example, in the middle of the day an urgent need to take something on the other end of town, it is necessary to fix potekshy valve or a washing machine, which suddenly broke. These and other problems can be easily solved with the help of service YouDo. We will talk about how to create jobs, what price to offer for their order, how to choose the best performer.
First you need to register on YouDo. This can be done via your account on Facebook or "VKontakte". To publish its request to select one of the 12 categories and click on the button "Create a task".
Fill in all required fields: describe in detail what needs to be done. Specify the time and place of the assignment. You can attach text to a photo or video if you wish. The more detailed the job, the less additional issues arise from potential contractors.
After that, we assign a price for the job or offer performers bargain (it is enough to select "Let the artists themselves offer price"). For example, express delivery within the city costs from 350 rubles, cleaning the apartment - from 900-1000 rubles, washing windows - from 400-500 rubles for each, set the washing machine - 1200 rubles.
After all fields are filled in, you can post a job. After 5-7 minutes, start to appear artists offer. Notifications about new responses can be obtained in the form of SMS, it is enough to select the appropriate item when you create a job.
Before choosing the right artist, you can explore its profile: to see how many and what kind of job he had already done, that the thought of his other users, what skills he possesses. After selecting the artist will receive the customer's phone number.
When the work is completed, you must close the task and give feedback on the work of the artist, who in turn leave a review about the job. Thanks to the reviews, customers can choose the most suitable artist, performers also understand by the reviews whether to trust the customer or not. By the way, all the performers has been tested (interviews, questionnaires, testing, verification of documents).
At the moment, the service works in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Create a job, you can not only the web version, but with the help of mobile applications (Android, iOS). The most popular categories are "buy and deliver the" and "take / To bring". At nearly half the jobs they account for YouDo. However, users often use the service and for unexpected orders. But we will talk about this in the next post.