Speed reading: how to learn to read quickly - free course from 4brain, training 30 days, Date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
It’s hard to imagine that 20-30 years ago, in order to find an answer to a question, you had to go to the library, take books on a topic of interest and look for the desired materials there.
Now it’s enough to enter the corresponding query into a search engine and get a huge amount of information on the topic of interest.
The ability to quickly read an article, book, textbook, as well as understand and assimilate the material, will allow you to become more effective and successful than you were before. Plus, it will save precious hours, which are now one of the most important resources. By taking the time to master speed reading techniques today, tomorrow you will be able to receive and process more information while remaining in control of your life.
Our online course is designed for people who want to quickly and freely learn speed reading techniques on their own. If you want to immediately start at a serious level, we recommend our advanced “Fast Reading” program, but for now we’ll tell you more about this course.
Goals and objectives of the course
This course is designed to master the skill of fast reading, which is necessary to increase the efficiency of studying Internet resources, information articles, newspapers, magazines, fiction and popular science literature, textbooks and etc.
However, speed reading has some other benefits, and our course will allow you to take full advantage of them. Along with actually increasing your reading speed, our course will help you:
- Remember more. We do not guarantee that you will be able to remember any book from cover to cover. But we promise that with proper training, you will learn to remember everything that seems important as you become familiar with the information. In addition, you will easily filter out the unnecessary and quickly highlight the most important.
- Better concentrate. Not a single task will be done properly, not a single book will be useful if your thoughts are occupied with something extraneous. As you master speed reading techniques, you will also work on your ability to focus on a specific task. This will be useful in any field later.
- To save time. Today's life does not give concessions to anyone, and sometimes there is not enough time not only to read, but even to relax. If you learn to process information faster, you will be able to free up the lion's share of time, which you can devote to yourself, your favorite activities, loved ones and family.
- Gain a career advantage. By being able to read more efficiently, you will be able to master professional literature faster, remember more data useful for work, and retrieve it from your memory at the right time. With these skills, you automatically stand head and shoulders above your competitors.
- Increase your level of erudition. The more a person reads, the more he knows and the more interesting he is as a person - this is erudition. You will be able to more easily find a common language with others, maintain any conversations, earn the reputation of an excellent interlocutor, which will attract more interesting people and acquaintances into your life.
These are just the most obvious benefits of speed reading, and as you complete the course and apply the knowledge in practice, you will notice other bonuses of mastering such a valuable skill. And now let's talk in more detail about what speed reading is and who and where it can be useful.
What is speed reading and who needs it?
Speed reading (fast reading) is the ability to quickly perceive text information using special reading methods. Fast reading is 3-4 times faster than normal reading.
We believe that the ability to read quickly is useful for every person, but there are still several categories of people who need it a priori:
- Children. It is better to master any skill correctly from the beginning, and speed reading helps parents teach their children to read faster and easier. Subtly, the child will develop concentration skills and reduce the level of distractibility.
- Schoolchildren and students. During the learning process, a person is faced with the need to process a large amount of information. Speed reading allows you to do this faster and more efficiently.
- People working with information. If you work with large amounts of data, speed reading will help you process and analyze what you read, which means you can perform your functions better and be more productive specialist.
- People who educate themselves. Books and articles are the main source of information on any topic, and everyone who wants to develop has to read. By doing this quickly, you will not only learn more, but you will also achieve your goals faster.
- People who read slowly. Slow reading is the result of incorrect technique and inability to concentrate for a long time. Therefore, here you can immediately achieve several goals - read faster, focus better, understand more and remember for a long time.
Otherwise, quick reading, as we have already said, will be useful to every person, regardless of age, gender and area of employment. This “soft” skill allows you to greatly increase your personal effectiveness and achieve better results in everything.
How to master speed reading?
In addition to the “Oleg Andreev School”, such well-known experts in speed reading as Natalia Grace, Andrei Spodin, Vladimir and Ekaterina Vasiliev and many others offer their courses. However, some people have learned to read quickly without attending courses, schools, trainings and special centers, and without reading textbooks on speed reading. And many of them are familiar to you - Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Lenin, Thomas Edison and others.
That is why we say without hesitation that anyone can master speed reading. To learn to read quickly, simply follow the exercises described in the five lessons of our course. If we try to generalize the various techniques for teaching speed reading, the process of mastering this skill can be divided into five parts (they correspond to five lessons).
Each lesson allows you to master a specific skill that helps increase your reading speed and efficiency in mastering the material. The content of the lessons is structured in such a way that you can study online as interactively and conveniently as possible without teachers or tutors. Let's get to know them briefly.
How to take the course?
The course involves daily exercise at home or at work for 20-40 minutes (you can do it less often, but then the effect will be less). With this training regimen, you will get results in just a couple of weeks, and if you study for 2-3 months, you will be able to significantly increase the speed and quality of reading.
The course, as you already know, consists of five stages, each of which involves mastering certain skills that help you read quickly. To master each skill, it is important to practice more - read books, newspaper articles, magazines, textbooks, devoting at least 30 additional minutes a day to this.
First, watch all the lessons and try the exercises. If you learn a skill quickly, don’t spend too long on this lesson. For example, many people have no problems paying attention when reading and are able to skip straight to Lesson 2. Spend more time on those lessons and exercises that you find useful or that give you difficulty.
It is not necessary to go through the exercises in the sequence indicated in the lessons, the main thing is to achieve the goal for each part. And most importantly, having mastered each skill separately, learn to use them in combination to form a stable habit of reading not only quickly, but also correctly.
Speed reading lessons
This course program consists of several lessons on developing key skills for developing the ability to read quickly, which you can learn on your own in a few weeks. The methodology of our classes is suitable for both children and adults, and contains numerous techniques and exercises to learn to read faster.
Lesson 1. Attention training when reading
Inattention when reading can be expressed in the fact that when you read, you have to return to the previous sentence, because. you read it mechanically, but did not understand the meaning. The more often you return, the lower your speed. Therefore, the first step to increasing your reading speed is to work with attention and concentration when reading. In this lesson we will tell you what you need to do to better focus on the text.
Lesson 2. Articulation suppression
Articulation - speaking the text - is a significant element of reading. Articulation helps to give the words you read a sound design, allows you to improve your speech and understand how words sound. But it greatly slows down reading and, to a lesser extent, helps to quickly understand the meaning of what is read. It is an obstacle to reading information material, and in this lesson we will tell you how to eliminate this obstacle.
Lesson 3. Training visual skills when reading
Once articulation is suppressed, you can begin to work on visual skills that help you better perceive information. The main emphasis in speed reading is on them. If you want to read faster, you must be able to see a larger volume of text, read it not line by line from left to right, but the whole thing, diagonally from top to bottom. In this lesson you will learn how to learn this.
Lesson 4. Speed reading and information management
Even if we have some success with articulation suppression and top-down reading, we may still be faced with a serious problem of poor reading comprehension. This lesson presents methods, as well as special techniques and exercises for managing information when speed reading. They will allow you to read faster without losing efficiency.
Lesson 5. Speed reading and memory development
Working with memory is the last and very important element for mastering the skill of speed reading. What's the point of reading quickly if you don't remember anything you learned? Speed reading will only be truly useful when you learn to remember what is interesting and/or important to you. In the final lesson, you will learn techniques to help you better understand what you read.