Mathematics in Minecraft - course 18,000 rub. from Coddy School of Programming for Children, training 3 modules (months)
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
The secret to successful learning is to combine what children love with what will contribute to their development. The main difficulty here is to interest the guys and keep their interest. What, if not the legendary game Minecraft, will help you do this?!
Minecraft is one of the most popular and one of the best-selling video games of all time, attracting a huge gaming community and offering many educational opportunities in different directions.
A large number of people around the world use Minecraft for educational purposes: starting with courses in universities dedicated to the study and development of artificial intelligence, ending with schools and summer camps. This popular computer game is also used in the study of disciplines such as chemistry, physics, mathematics, and even history and many others!
If you want to introduce your child to the basics of mathematics and develop logical thinking, sign him up for the “Mathematics in Minecraft” course, designed for children aged 6 to 8 years. We will increase children's cognitive interest and intellectual abilities, so that it will be easy for them to adapt to school loads.
The 3-month course is perfect for preschoolers, as it includes sections of mathematics for younger students. The program is aimed at developing logical thinking, creative abilities of children and their interest in mathematics.
The children receive all this knowledge in a playful way: each lesson we reinforce the material by playing various mini-games and completing group tasks.
During training, much attention is paid to the development of so-called soft skills. In classes you need to work in a team and communicate, just like professionals do in companies. For example, based on the knowledge and skills acquired, students will develop a group creative project: building a house. In addition, by working together on projects, students develop leadership skills, creativity, as well as time management, problem solving and decision-making skills.
Course teacher:
“Minecraft: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”, “Creating Games in Roblox Studio”, “Minecraft: Programming in JavaScript”, “Math in Minecraft”
Armavir State Pedagogical University "Primary school teacher"
Certified participant in the Minecraft programming training program
Microsoft Certified Teacher Innovator Program
Works at the International School of Primary Education “One! International School".
Studying programming in JavaScript, Python to solve creative problems. She is interested in the psychology of adolescence and works on an individual approach to each child. Interested in yoga and the practice of “mindful meditation”. Supports a healthy lifestyle and loves nature, believes that in order to preserve the healthy ecology of the planet, it is important to start with yourself. Argues that every person is capable of achieving even the most difficult goals if he makes at least a small effort every day. Finds each person unique, interesting and worthy of respect. Give way in public places to disabled people, pregnant women, elderly people and people with small children.
“By helping others, we gain new opportunities.”
Module 1
Day one - Numbers and ranks. Comparison of numbers
- Introduction to the world of Minecraft Math Gladiators
- We study numbers and ranks, the game "10 basic numbers"
- Learning to understand and write multi-digit integers
- Comparison of numbers. Game "Zombie Battle"
- Round numbers to 10, 100 and 1000
Result of the lesson: learned the ranks of numbers, learned how to write and compare them, gained skills in learning and playing together in the Minecraft Math Gladiators environment.
Practical task: game tasks for writing numbers, comparing and rounding numbers.
Day two - Quick calculations using the regrouping method
- Learning addition through regrouping
- Training addition using the regrouping method using a game with blocks
- Subtraction training - playing with glass blocks
- Practice creating your own examples of addition
- Learning to reason and explain your decision to others
Result of the lesson: learned to regroup numbers for quick addition, and to add fluently within 1000.
Practical task: game tasks for solving addition examples within 1000, creating your own addition examples.
Day three - The connection between addition and subtraction. Computing practice
- Strengthening regrouping skills
- Solving addition problems independently
- Create your own tasks, share tasks
- joint discussion and correction of calculation results
Result of the lesson: reinforced addition and subtraction skills through regrouping.
Practical task: game tasks for solving examples of addition and subtraction within 1000, creating your own examples of addition and subtraction.
Day four - Square. Area calculation
- Introduction to the concept of area
- Learning to calculate the area of objects, the game "Trolley"
- Game tasks for calculating area
Result of the lesson: studied the concept of Area, learned to calculate the area of rectangles, and collected a portfolio of solved game tasks.
Practical task: game tasks - solving problems on calculating area and creating buildings of a given area.
Module 2
Day One - Multiplication
- Multiplication as repeated addition
- Game tasks - building arrays of blocks
- Game tasks – build arrays with an equal number of blocks
- Game task – build Parkour from blocks using multiplication skills
Result of the lesson: learned to perform simple multiplication, strengthened multiplication skills by solving game problems.
Practical task: game multiplication tasks, creating your own multiplication problems in the game world.
Day two - Division
- Division as dividing numbers into equal groups
- Dividing an array of blocks into several equal groups
- Relationship between multiplication and division
- Game task – build Parkour from blocks using dividing skills
- Practice creating your own examples
Result of the lesson: learned to perform division operations.
Practical task: game tasks for solving division examples.
Day three - Area and volume
- Area formula. Solving game problems to calculate the area of block objects
- Volume formula. Solving game problems on calculating the volume of block objects
- Game "Fill the Well"
- Creating your own tasks to calculate the area and volume of objects in your game world
Result of the lesson: studied the formulas for area and volume, learned to calculate the area and volume of block objects.
Practical task: game tasks for finding area and volume, creating your own problems for other students, discussing the results of calculations.
Day four - Multiplication within 100. Consolidation of skills
- Game "10 tasks", solving problems to strengthen multiplication skills
- Distributive law of multiplication
Result of the lesson: strengthened their multiplication skills and expanded their game portfolio with the results of solved problems.
Practical task: multiplication game tasks in the world of Minecraft.
Module 3
Day one - Measuring the area of objects
- Group creative project to build a house
- Practice of building a house, calculating the area of rooms
- Discussion of the project, discussions about choosing a method for calculating the area
- Analysis and solution of practical problems using area calculations
Result of the lesson: in practice, they established the concept of area and methods for calculating area.
Practical task: team work on a house construction project, solving problems on calculating area.
Day two - Measuring length. Units
- Discussion - length measurement problem
- Meter and its derivatives
- Enter your own units of change
- Practice measuring the length of objects in your world
- Analysis and solution of practical problems on measuring length
Result of the lesson: got acquainted with units of measurement, learned to measure and indicate the length of objects/
Practical task: measuring the length of objects in your Minecraft world, measuring the terrain.
Day Three - Volume Measurement
- Introduction to the concept of volume
- Discussion – problem of measuring volume, formula for calculating volume
- Volume units
- Fill command fill
- Game tasks “Fill the cup”, “Build an aquarium”
Result of the lesson: learned to calculate volume and express it in units of change
Practical task task to fill volumes with water in the game world.
Day Four - Fractions
- Introduction to the concept of fractions, visualization of the concept of a fraction in the real world
- Fractions as parts of a whole, writing fractions
- Game task “Garden of Fractions”, planting flowers
- Practice solving problems on the subject of the course
Result of the lesson: studied the concept of fractions, repeated the course material by solving problems, and collected a portfolio based on the course results.
Practical task: planting flowers in the “Garden of Fractions”, solving problems to consolidate material on the subject of the course.