Materials science for high-voltage electrical equipment - free course from Open Education, training 16 weeks, from 4 to 6 hours per week, Date: December 5, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
Module 1 Introduction. Polymers.
Lesson 1. Non-metallic materials. General information. Natural polymers. Synthetic polymers.
Lesson 2. Features of the properties of polymer materials.
Module 2 Plastics. Rubber materials. Adhesive materials.
Lesson 1. Fillers. Plasticizers. Lubricants. Pigments and dyes.
Lesson 2. Inhibitors/stabilizers, moderators, regulators, antioxidants, light stabilizers, flame retardants, antiradicals. Hardeners.
Module 3 Paints and varnishes (paints, enamels, varnishes). Compounds.
Lesson 1. Paints and varnishes (paints, enamels, varnishes).
Lesson 2. Compounds.
Module 4 Basic types of dielectrics. Dielectrics.
Lesson. 1. Inorganic, organic, film, varnishes, enamels, compounds, oils.
Lesson 2. General information about structural materials that perform dielectric functions.
Module 5 Polarization of dielectrics. Dielectric losses.
Lesson 1. Polarization of dielectrics. Basic definitions.
Lesson 2. Main types of polarization and mechanisms.
Lesson 3. Types of dielectric losses. Losses in gases, liquid and solid dielectrics
Module 6 Electrical strength. Electrical conductivity of dielectrics.
Lesson 1. Breakdown of dielectrics. Types of breakdown. Basic concepts.
Lesson 2. Electrical conductivity of gases, liquid and solid dielectrics.
Module 7 Aging of dielectrics. Electrical insulation test methods
Lesson 1. Aging processes in dielectric materials.
Lesson 2. Test methods for electrical insulation.
Module 8 Technological processes. Control methods.
Lesson 1. Development of technological processes.
Lesson 2. Serial production support.