Theory of linear waves - free course from Open Education, training 15 weeks, Date: December 5, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
Currently, Moscow University is one of the leading centers of national education, science and culture. Raising the level of highly qualified personnel, searching for scientific truth, focusing on humanistic ideals of goodness, justice, freedom - this is what we see today as following the best university traditions Moscow State University is the largest classical university in the Russian Federation, a particularly valuable object of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. It trains students in 39 faculties in 128 areas and specialties, graduate students and doctoral students in 28 faculties in 18 branches of science and 168 scientific specialties, which cover almost the entire spectrum of modern university education. Currently, more than 40 thousand students, graduate students, doctoral students, as well as specialists in the advanced training system are studying at Moscow State University. In addition, about 10 thousand schoolchildren study at Moscow State University. Scientific work and teaching are carried out in museums, at educational and scientific practice bases, on expeditions, on research vessels, and in advanced training centers.
A new element of the Russian education system - open online courses - can be transferred to any university. We make this a real practice, expanding the boundaries of education for every student. A full range of courses from leading universities. We are systematically working to create courses for the basic part of all areas of training, ensuring that any university can conveniently and profitably integrate the course into its educational programs
"Open Education" is an educational platform offering massive online courses from leading Russian universities that have joined forces to provide everyone with the opportunity to receive a high-quality higher education education.
Any user can take courses from leading Russian universities completely free of charge and at any time, and students of Russian universities will be able to count their learning results at their university.
Topic 1. Introduction. Linear and nonlinear waves.
Topic 2. Acoustic waves in liquids and gases.
Topic 3. Signal profile in low-viscosity media.
Topic 4. Electromagnetic waves in a medium.
Topic 5. Waves in a dispersive medium. Wave packets.
Topic 6. Wave diffraction. Wave beams.
Topic 7. Open resonators.
Topic 8. Discrete environments.
Topic 9. Waves in anisotropic media. Uniaxial crystals.
Topic 10. Waves in inhomogeneous media. Plane-layered media.
The course introduces junior students to the features of performing laboratory work, conducting experiments in physical laboratories, the basics of processing and presenting measurement results using methods of mathematical statistics, taking into account the experience of the Department of General Physics NRNU MEPhI.