Fundamentals of circuit design of analog and analog-to-digital devices - free course from Open Education, training 5 weeks, about 15 hours per week, Date: December 5, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
This course is primarily intended for students enrolled in training programs in the field of modern semiconductor electronics and for those who, one way or another, in the course of their work will have to deal with analog and digital-analog devices. The purpose of this course is to help the student master the basic principles and options for circuit design of various types of analog and digital-analog electronic devices. In the first module, the student is invited to familiarize himself with such an important electronic product as an operational amplifier. Within the framework of the module, an analysis of the basic circuits for connecting an operational amplifier will be presented, the circuit design and main parameters of this type of device will be considered. The second module is intended to examine the most common circuit solutions based on operational amplifiers, which are actively used as part of finished electronic devices. This section also discusses the operating principles and basic parameters of analog comparators. The third module of the course is devoted to consideration of the operation of linear and pulsed voltage stabilizers, as well as reference voltage sources. The fourth module introduces students to the principles of operation of analog switches, basic switching circuits and characteristics of this type of device. This module also focuses on issues related to the principles of operation of sample-and-hold devices and digital-analog devices. In the fifth module, the student gets acquainted with the classification, basic parameters and interfaces of analog-to-digital converters. This module also provides an overview of the functioning of various types of sensors (such as accelerometers, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, etc.).
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