Enterprise logistics management - free course from the Russian School of Management, training 16 hours, date: December 5, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
How to evaluate the efficiency and optimize logistics processes? How to forecast commodity flows and calculate the parameters of the logistics system, develop the optimal configuration and synchronize processes in the supply chain? What logistics strategies exist and how to apply them? The course “Enterprise Logistics Management” from practical teachers of the Russian School of Management will help you understand these issues
Enterprise logistics management
• Modern understanding of the role of logistics and its impact on the activities of the enterprise.
• Modern concept of building an enterprise business. Logistics approach as the most advanced “management weapon” of the 21st century
• The main “levers” of the influence of logistics on the business activities of an enterprise
• Key efficiency and productivity indicators (KPI) of logistics.
• Logistics cost management. Composition of costs. A modern approach to logistics cost management. The relationship of logistics costs with the main economic indicators of the enterprise.
• Head of the enterprise's logistics service: coordinator of material flow and distribution chains or manager of logistics departments? Changing traditional thinking to logistical thinking
• Organizational structure of logistics, as the basis of logistics management in an enterprise. Formation of a process-oriented organizational structure of enterprise logistics.
• Interaction of the logistics service with the divisions of the enterprise. Questions and problems of interaction, organization of interaction
• Enterprise logistics system. Structure, procedure for forming and optimizing the logistics system. Interrelation of elements of the logistics system.
• Basic logistics strategies. Options for strategies, impact on the work of the unit
• Logistics processes and their relationship with key business processes of the enterprise.
• Material flow planning: modern approach and planning tools
• Document flow of the logistics service. Organization of electronic document management, Various options for electronic document management.
• Motivation of logistics service personnel. Creating a motivation system: methods and options.
• Information technologies and automation tools for managing logistics in enterprise distribution chains.
Training. The program volume is 72 hours. The purpose of implementing the additional professional program is to provide students with modern additional professional knowledge, skills and abilities, professional competencies in the field of classification of goods for customs purposes, as well as updating the knowledge and competencies of specialists focused on activities in the field of classification of goods in enterprises and public sector organizations, in trade organizations, expert organizations and commercial structures, educational organizations.
Part-time study
15 000 ₽