Vue.js developer - free course from Otus, training 4 months, Date: December 5, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
The course will help you quickly master Vue.js at an advanced level. Although this framework is considered lighter than others in the JavaScript ecosystem, it is intuitive and simple syntax hides wide possibilities, some of which can be missed if you do it yourself development. The course will cover advanced, practical Vue.js solutions that will expand your technology stack.
Who is this course for:
For JavaScript developers with HTML/CSS skills. You will be able to use solutions that speed up and simplify the development process.
For backend developers who want to become Fullstack. Vue.js is ideal for those who want to quickly expand their skill pool with front-end work.
For beginner Vue developers. The course will help you broaden and deepen your framework skills to stand out among other applicants.
You will learn:
Advanced features of Vue, Vue-router, Vuex
Create SPA applications and optimize them for production
Write clean and concise code in ES6/ES8/TypeScript
Write integration and unit tests with Jest, Cypres
Work with GraphQL, Firebase, Electron, NativeScript
You will also learn how Webpack and Babel work, master various design patterns and learn how to apply them to build complex applications in Vue.
Course Features
Advanced topics on all features of Vue.js
Project work that will add to your portfolio
Up-to-date program that takes into account the latest updates, including the new version of VueJS v3
Communication with the teacher in class and in Slack chat
Advantages of Vue.js over other frameworks
- Easy start. Intuitive template syntax. It’s easy to add to an existing project, for example, if you have existing applications written on an old stack and need to gradually migrate them to the modern Vue platform.
- Like React, but faster to develop. There's no need to learn specific concepts without which you won't be able to get ahead in React. The library size is smaller, and the final bundle size is also smaller than React. Like React, there is a solution for developing interfaces for mobile, support for typescript and rendering on the SSR server
- Like Angular, but simpler. There are ready-made packages for routing, state management and testing. All modern approaches to development are used: API web components, functional programming.
- Convenient development tools. You can generate a project from the command line by selecting the necessary options: Typescript, CSS preprocessors, unit test templates, and so on.
- Understandable reactivity. Unlike other popular frameworks with Vue, you don’t need to think about when an update will occur at the beginning of learning component and how the data will change: everything works exactly as you expected - right out of the box without any new terms or puzzling concepts.
- Active support and community. In the coming months, the 3rd version of the framework will be released with a lot of improvements in speed and ease of use.
wellHe worked in the banking sector for many years, and now continues to develop for the financial sector with an emphasis on e-learning. Developed, among other things: - Large Banking Tests - Electronic Library of the Bank - Distance Learning System "Proftest" -...
He worked in the banking sector for many years, and now continues to develop for the financial sector with an emphasis on e-learning. Developed, among other things: - Large Banking Tests - Bank Electronic Library - Distance Learning System "Proftest" - Webinars "Professional test" "I first became acquainted with Javascript more than 20 years ago, but I learned the most important things that I use every day over the last 5 years. I constantly follow the news and the development of the ecosystem of this wonderful language. I develop in Javascript both front- and back-end. I create web, desktop and mobile applications. I like to see clean, well-readable code, I like projects that are properly covered with tests."
courseCurrently working at FingerprintJS Before that, in the international team of web developers GS Software House and - a platform for creating your own chatbot. Programming experience: 10 years, of which 6 years commercial...
Currently working at FingerprintJS Before that, in the international team of web developers GS Software House and - a platform for creating your own chatbot. Programming experience: 10 years, including 6 years of commercial development. He started writing his first programs at the age of 10. He worked in the LineApp web studio as a web developer, in the Ural FD bank as a leading software engineer, while solving very different problems, including thinking through and developing architecture, server administration, application development, writing technical documentation, developing complex SQL scripts. Main stack: PHP 7 & 8, Laravel 8, Vue 3, JS + TS + NodeJS, MySQL, PostreSQL
Vue Basics
-Topic 1.Introduction to the course, modern web development
-Theme 2.Vue, introduction
-Topic 3.Templates
-Topic 4.Props components and events
-Topic 5. Forms, slots, filters, directives
-Topic 6.Using CSS in Vue
-Topic 7. Reactive Data, MVVM and Vue 3 Features
-Theme 8.Vue3 working with libraries
Confident development in Vue
-Theme 9.Vue router
-Theme 10.Vue Animation
-Topic 11.Vuex working with data
-Topic 12.Testing Vue applications
-Topic 13. Code organization and Vue patterns
-Topic 14.Advanced JavaScript
-Topic 15.QA / Code review
Guilty and practical solutions
-Theme 16.Web components + Vue
-Topic 17.Vue p1 integrations: GraphQL, OAuth 2.0
-Topic 18.Vue p2 integration - FireBase, web sockets
-Theme 19.SSR with Nuxt
-Theme 20.Typescript
-Topic 21. Consultation on the graduation project
-Topic 22.Desktop applications with Electron
-Topic 23. Functional programming and advanced Vue
-Topic 24. Modern development tools
Project work
-Topic 25. Selection of topic and organization of project work
-Topic 26. Consultation on projects and homework
-Topic 27.Protection of design work