Yesterday Jony Ive increased to design director. His previous responsibilities divided Alan Dai and Richard Howarth, two relatively unknown man immediately became the focus of attention. In contrast to the public Dai, which we know from the interviews about the creation of Apple WatchAbout Howarth, despite his 20 years of experience in the Apple iPhone and participation in the development of various patents and Apple products, little is known. journalists The Next Web We tried to fix it. Here's what they found out.
Speaking at the event of the Royal Society of Arts in July last year, Richard Howarth said: "I can not imagine what would have been my life, I did not win the RSA Student Design Student Award Awards ».
In 1994, he used the money to pay for training at Sony, in Japan. Now he "pay in advance" - last year it was established nominal annual stipend of £ 4250.
At the same RSA Jony Ive event, which won the same award for two consecutive years and paid for with the help of his first trip to California, Howarth described as "unbelievable, absurdly talented person and a nice other. "
Journalist The New Yorker Ian Parker after talking with John and other Apple designers Howarth described as follows:
Richard Howarth - quiet Briton, he is a veteran and chief assistant Quince. I half-jokingly said that he is considered aggressive. His fear.
Blank profile LinkedIn
Unlike Alan Dye, who gladly participated in the interviews and discussions, Howarth, apparently, very shy of cameras. His page on LinkedIn looked, to put it mildly, Spartan, while yesterday it was not removed. Howarth career starts and ends at Apple.
The only interesting feature in LinkedIn-profile - in addition to the recommendations of the California real estate agent - was Ravensbourne School of Design, where he studied Howarth. Its graduates, by the way, there were such celebrities as David Bowie, Dinos Chapman and Stella McCartney.
It is suspected that other media using photo Howarth of his public profile in Facebook, is somehow involved to the sudden disappearance of the profile on LinkedIn. Remove accounts in social networks is not easy, if you are connected through their old friends.
One of the creators of the iPhone
Howarth great importance in the creation of the hardware many Apple products (even before its recent rise) proves that, that in the US Patent and Trademark Office registered 806 patents, where the new vice president of industrial design was listed as co.
These patents cover all generation iPhone, the original and a few other versions of MacBook Air, as well as a huge number of cables, covers and various accessories. Of course, Apple design team worked on all inventions together, so we can not determine the personal contribution Howarth.
In an interview with The Telegraph Jony Ive she said Howarth was a key figure in the development of iPhone:
Richard was involved in iPhone development since the very beginning. He walked all the way from the prototype to the first model, which we released.
Tim Cook in a corporate newsletter dedicated to personnel changes, also extols Howarth:
He was a member of the team in design for 20 years and contributed greatly to the creation of all generations of the iPhone, Mac, and almost every Apple product.
Howarth participate in the iPhone development at the earliest stages is confirmed by the testimony of a designer at the trial of the violation of Apple's patents by Samsung in 2012.
But no matter how well Richard Howarth was doing its job, it is hardly in the future count on his frequent public appearances in his new role.