How to enable Ping in iTunes 10
Tips / / December 19, 2019
This post was written specifically for Layfhakera Tkalich Denis (@syned) The author of the blog-friendly
Ping - is a music social network from Apple, which is built into iTunes, but at the time of launch, not all users have access to it.
In order to get among the lucky, you must have an account in the iTunes Store, for example, in the US, the Russian will not work here. Another problem is that in the forehead in the American store zaregistrirueshsya not, unless you live in the United States, or at least do not possess the American card, but around this limitation is not so difficult.
1. Open the iTunes Store in iTunes and choose as US country (check box at the bottom right). Left in our Shop Ping item will appear as it did not click.
2. We go to the AppStore and select any free application.
3. We try to download it, and iTunes will prompt you for a login and password, click "Create new account".
4. We agree with the Terms of Use and fill the form to E-mail (must be valid), password, security question and the date of birth.
5. Next, from the list of payment methods, select none (this option is only available if all of the above points). And then we need some US address, for example, can be used the same as shown on the screenshot, the first and last name in this arbitrary.
If done correctly, the specified e-mail your email to confirm registration, after which you can click on the Ping and activate it by entering the username and password you used registration.
But remember that changing the account from the iTunes Store can lead to the loss of previously purchased apps, so if you already have purchased in the Russian App Store, it is better not to risk it.