Preparatory course for the Unified State Exam in history, grade 11 - free course from Foxford, training 60 lessons, date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
We manually check samples and homework
We do not leave the written part of tasks for self-testing - this is done by OGE experts
We check “for real”, like in an exam, and as a result you receive detailed feedback. All this is for the sake of speed of preparation and your results.
The lesson lasts 2 academic hours. Classes are held online on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 18:00 to 20:00 (Moscow time)
Associate Professor at Moscow State University. Candidate of Historical Sciences. Unified State Exam expert in history. Author of preparation courses for DVI at Moscow State University since 2014.
History of Russia and foreign countries from ancient times to the end of the 17th century.
The section studies the history of the peoples and ancient states on the territory of Russia, the Middle Ages, during which differences between Western and Eastern civilizations emerged, the early modern era
- Structure of the Unified State Examination in History
- Eastern Slavs in ancient times
- The emergence of the Old Russian state
- State and society of Ancient Rus'
- Rus' at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 12th centuries.
- Political fragmentation in Rus'
- The fight against foreign invaders in the 13th century.
- Culture of Rus' X–XIII centuries.
- The emergence of the Moscow State
- Russian state in the 16th century.
- Time of Troubles
- Policy of the first Romanovs
- Culture of Russia XIV–XVII centuries.
History of Russia and foreign countries from the beginning of the 18th century. until 1914
The section studies the history of Russia and foreign countries during the Enlightenment. At this time, a new image of states in the world was being formed, private life was being established, and a pan-European, and later global, system of international relations was taking shape.
- Domestic policy of Peter I
- Foreign policy of Peter I
- Palace coups
- Domestic policy of Catherine II
- Foreign policy of Catherine II
- Reign of Paul I
- Domestic policy of Alexander I
- Foreign policy of Alexander I
- Decembrist revolt
- Domestic policy of Nicholas I
- Foreign policy of Nicholas I and the Crimean War
- Culture of Russia in the 18th century. - first half of the 19th century.
- Great reforms and counter-reforms
- Opposition movements of the second half of the 19th century.
- Foreign policy of Russia in the second half of the 19th century.
- Russian culture of the second half of the 19th century
- Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
- Russian foreign policy at the beginning of the 20th century.
- First Russian Revolution
- Political process 1907–1914
History of Russia and foreign countries in 1914–2014.
The section studies the modern history of Russia and foreign countries: two world wars, the collapse of colonialism, the Cold War, the era of the USSR, the formation of Russian statehood at a new stage
- Russia in the First World War
- Russian culture of the late XIX - early XX centuries.
- Revolution of 1917
- Bolsheviks in 1917 The first transformations of Soviet power
- Civil War
- Economy of the Civil War period. Economy of the USSR in the 20–30s.
- Political processes in the 20–30s.
- Foreign policy of the USSR in the 20–30s.
- The Great Patriotic War. USSR on the eve and at the beginning of the war
- The Great Patriotic War. A turning point in the war
- The final stage and results of the Great Patriotic War
- Culture of Soviet Russia and the USSR in 1917–1945.
- USSR in the first post-war years
- USSR in 1953–1964.
- USSR in 1964–1985.
- Culture of the USSR in the post-war period
- USSR during perestroika
- Reforms of the 1990s.
- Russia at the beginning of the 21st century.
- Text attribution
- Working with a historical map
- Working with cultural buildings
- Analysis of 16 and 17 tasks of the second part
- Analysis of 18 and 19 tasks of the second part
- Problematic issues in the history of Russia in the 9th–19th centuries.
- Problematic issues in the history of Russia in the 20th century.
30.08.2022 G.
Thanks for the history courses
Advantages: Excellent teachers and curators, thanks to the preparation here I entered Moscow State University. Disadvantages: A lot of information, but this is not a problem of the school, but the specifics of the subject Prepared with Foxford, because I already had successful preparation experience (a year ago I passed Russian with Elena Shklyaeva at 92). At the beginning of the year, I decided to re-enroll in the history department from another specialty (by the way, technical, so experience...
A package of 5 additional trial versions of the Unified State Exam with verification by a curator. 🔥 Created for those who feel unsure when solving the full option in specialized mathematics and want additional practice solving tasks of a difficult part of the exam, work out all the subtleties of the design and ask questions about the solution tasks. 🔥 For three months, from March to May, you will be accompanied by a personal subject curator. Every two weeks you will have a new sample, which you solve, send to the curator, and then receive a full review and detailed feedback. 🔥 Practice solving sample problems, ask questions, analyze assignments and go to success on the Unified State Exam!
for free