“Anti-doping legislation: international treaties and corporate regulation” - course 50,000 rubles. from MSU, training 3 weeks, date December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
On the program you will learn the definition of “doping”, the main documents in the field of anti-doping legislation, the rights and responsibilities of an athlete and athlete personnel, organizations, participants and anti-doping practices, how social and organizational context influences individual decisions persons and how this impact can be reduced through effective preventive measures, how anti-doping is carried out and how testing.
Form of study: Part-time (evening) with the possibility of remote online connection
Course scope: 72 ac. hours
Move to a new level of professional development
Meet the rapidly changing demands of the market and social environment
Become a successful law firm manager
A unique synthesis of academic knowledge from Moscow State University
Certificate of advanced training from Moscow State University named after M. IN. Lomonosov
Born in 1973 Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University in 1996.
Candidate's dissertation - “Legal regulation of the financial system of local government in the Russian Federation” (MSU, 1998, supervisor Professor N. A. Bogdanov).
Doctoral dissertation - “State power and local self-government in Russia: problems of development of the constitutional-legal model and practice of relationships” (MSU, 2007)
At the department since 1997 Teaches constitutional and municipal law of Russia. He teaches a general course on municipal law in Russia, a special course “Organization of state power and local self-government in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.”
Range of scientific interests: economic foundations of local government; implementation of public administration in the regions of the Russian Federation (subjects of the Russian Federation, federal districts); relationships between territories (regions) and their constituent autonomous okrugs.
Winner of the award named after. I.I. Shuvalova (2001).
Information about the scientific activities of N.L. Peshina in the "TRUTH" system
As a result of completing the course, you will know:
- definition of the concept of “doping”;
- basic documents in the field of anti-doping legislation;
- rights and obligations of the athlete and athlete personnel;
- organizations, participants and practices in the fight against doping;
- how the social and organizational context influences the decisions of individuals and how this influence can be reduced through effective preventive measures;
- how the fight against doping is carried out and how testing is carried out.
In addition, you will be able to:
- define the “cultural” dimension of doping as a historical practice associated with the transformation of social norms;
- move from a binary way of thinking - for or against doping - to understanding the complexity of this phenomenon, which is biological, psychological and sociological, at the same time;
- create zero tolerance towards doping in sports in your professional field.
Subjects of classes:
Topic 1. History of doping in world sports.
Topic 2. The fight against doping in sports.
Topic 3. Anti-doping responsibilities of athletes.
Topic 4. The practice of doping in professional sports.
Topic 5. International legal system for combating doping.
Topic 6. Causes and conditions for the spread of doping in professional sports.
Topic 7. The system of sports medicine and medical and biological support for elite sports in the Russian Federation in the context of anti-doping problems.
Topic 8. International organized crime and its role in the spread of doping in the world.
Topic 9. Responsibility for violation of anti-doping rules in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Topic 10. Legal and enforcement problems in the fight against doping.
Topic 11. Special issues of anti-doping support.
Topic 12. Legal aspects of anti-doping activities in the Russian Federation.
Based on the results of completing the course, students receive a certificate of advanced training on the form of M.V. Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
The final certification takes the form of a test.
G. Moscow, territory of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova, Leninskie Gory, d. 1, p. 13