6 myths about productivity and organization
Tips Productivity / / December 19, 2019
Look around, you have seen at least one success, but lax, disorganized person? Yes, some of the inhabitants of Olympus, especially the artists, can publicly flaunt their negligence, distraction and isolation from real life. But as a rule, it is nothing more than an image - in all that relates to work that is super organized and pragmatic people.
Organization in the life and work is an essential condition for success. So why do so many people still can not bring myself to start this way? There are several reasons, including the development of the mythology that has developed around the productivity systems and the organization of their lives.
1. Organized life is sterile and lifeless
Many people envision pictures sterile office space, seen them on the net or magazines, and quite clearly understand that this entourage is not suitable for real life. This is partly true - specially prepared for advertising offices and workplaces are attractive, but not very plausible.
In fact, organized space can be called only one in which you need a minimum of time to carry out your everyday operations. This means that the constantly necessary things are at your fingertips, and rarely used do not interfere, but you can easily find them. It may look as you like, but more importantly, to have access to a desired item, you can not take too much time and effort. If finding the right paper you can go half an hour, and to run the program more than three clicks, then it's time to change something in the organization of the space.
2. I have no time for the organization of the system
Usually this can be heard from people who have tried to mindlessly copy one of the trendy Western systems. "If I'm going to do all day drawing up lists, fixing problems, and taking into account the time, I had no strength left for the real business."
In fact, any system of organization requires an initial contribution of time in the process of study and implementation. But then she returns your contribution in the form of increased labor productivity and more free hours. If the system needs to serve more time than the return - it is a bad system, or you have something wrong doing.
3. Existing systems lack the flexibility
Many people argue that the system of organization and productivity are too rigid and do not fit into their dynamic and unpredictable life.
In fact, far from it. Any existing organization of time, the system tries to be as flexible as possible and meet the requirements of a wide range of people. Look at the other side of the problem. Maybe your life is too messy and chaotic, not the system is too tough? Maybe it is necessary not only to look perfect for the self organization tool, but also to try to adapt?
4. Productivity means more work
Interesting statement. Yes, indeed, you will be organized, your productivity will increase and you will do the same job faster. But that does not mean that your boss will tolerate you half a day relaxing or even let you go home, right?
Of course, this does not apply to those people who work remotely or are so passionate about their work that will be happy to carry large volumes. But even if you're not an employee in the much-loved work, you can usefully use the "extra hours". Start your project, self-development, a vacation, a promotion. In the end there is only one value in every human life - this time.
5. It is not suitable for creativity
Yes, if you really heads to embody in life the image of "starving artist" who appreciated after death, then maybe it's true. Meanwhile, all I emphasize all modern successful creative individuals (!) - is not only the Creator, but first and foremost businessmen. Creating your brand promotion, contracts, agreements, fees and other boring things take their life less space, and maybe more than a brush pen and stave.
And for the direct process of creativity right system can be very useful. Creativity - it is work, the successful work - is a daily work. Proper organization of work has never stopped anyone.
6. Organization, system, productivity... phew, it's so boring
It may seem that the proper organization and systematization will deprive them of a life of spontaneity and surprise, extinguish the flame of interest and ease. It also had to get up every morning, to carry out all sorts of things, made to celebrate... it's just so boring.
In fact, these allegations completely wrong for all people who have at least some kind of goal in front of him. Do not have a goal, and to wake up in the morning, not having the slightest idea what you're doing - that's really boring. If you have a goal, then the organization of the system will serve as a great way to achieve it. No more and no less.
Well convinced. And where do I start?
Your growth as a person, your success depends only on you. First of all, try to honestly determine for yourself what in your life is important to you and what is secondary. After this critically consider whether you are doing everything correctly and efficiently to achieve important goals for you. And only after that you can proceed to the choice of suitable for you and your tools goals. The most important thing to understand that the GTD, task lists and a variety of planners - are just tools to achieve your goals, but in any case is not the purpose of your life.