Course "School of Etiquette" for students in grades 1-4 - free course from Foxford, training 12 lessons, date: December 3, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
Who will benefit from the course?
The course is suitable for primary school students.
What knowledge does the course provide?
The course provides an opportunity to learn good manners, learn the rules of behavior for girls and boys, and also learn how to make a good impression on others.
How the training works
The training is structured so that children not only learn the rules of etiquette, but also understand their meaning. The teacher explains the material through games and real-life examples.
We care about the future
We instill useful habits, knowledge and etiquette skills that will help the child in the future.
Learning by doing
We understand the meaning of etiquette rules through games and interactive tasks.
Forming a personality
In classes we develop independence, responsibility, activity and self-confidence.
1. The main reason: the course is taught by Irina Boroznova
Specialist in the field of social and business etiquette, practicing trainer, creator of original etiquette trainings for children.
2. It's cool to be polite!
During the course you will learn what good manners are and how etiquette makes our life better.
3. Learn how to make a good impression on others
During the course we will learn not only to behave in society and at the table, but also to communicate, respect ourselves and others.
We manually check samples and homework.
We do not leave the written part assignments for self-testing - this is done by OGE experts.
We check “for real”, like in an exam, and as a result you receive detailed feedback. All this is for the sake of speed of preparation and your results.
A personal curator will answer questions within two hours, 24/7.
Curators understand the program and subject matter, so they can easily answer your questions about the course and homework - at any time.
They know well how difficult it can be to prepare and understand your worries.
The most important task of a tutor is to help you cope with stress and fear before exams.
The lesson lasts 1 academic hour. Classes are held online on Tuesdays from 17:00 to 18:00 (Moscow time).
Specialist in the field of social and business etiquette, practicing trainer, creator of original etiquette trainings for children.
Introduction to etiquette. History of etiquette. Greeting, introduction and introduction according to the rules of etiquette
In the first lesson we will talk about why children and adults need to know and follow the rules of etiquette. How these rules can improve our lives.
- Introduction to etiquette; history of etiquette; rules of greeting and introductions; "magic" words; the power of a smile.
Manners of a well-mannered person
Let's talk about what is included in the concept of “Good manners”.
- Good and “bad” manners, how to sit, stand, walk beautifully.
Good Habits
Let's learn how to get rid of bad habits and form good ones.
- Where bad habits come from and why you need to get rid of them; how to strengthen good habits.
Speech culture
Let's talk about speech culture.
- Why is it important to monitor your speech; what are the words “parasites” and how to get rid of them; what is “Small Talk”; permitted and forbidden topics in “Small Talk”; mobile etiquette.
Table etiquette
We will learn how to set a table and use cutlery.
- Table setting; what, what and how they eat; what you can talk about at the table; "language" of devices.
Guest etiquette
In this lesson we will discuss how to be a good guest and a hospitable host. Let's look at the main mistakes that children often make when visiting.
- What is hospitality; responsibilities of the host, responsibilities of the guest, gift etiquette.
Etiquette in public places
In this lesson we will get acquainted with the rules of etiquette in public places: in transport, on the street, in the theater, in a museum, in a cafe.
- What places are called public; etiquette and safety in transport; theater etiquette; museum etiquette, travel etiquette; etiquette and leisure.
Dress code. Where, when, in what? We form a basic wardrobe.
Let's find out what the dress code is and talk about organizing and storing your wardrobe.
- The concept of “Dress code”; types of dress code; Fashion & Style; organizing and storing things; how to create a basic wardrobe.
Family etiquette
Let's look at some simple tips that can help maintain a strong family and establish good relationships between all family members.
- I and my family; rules of family etiquette; family traditions.
Internet etiquette and safety
Let's talk about the rules of good manners and Internet safety.
- What is “Netiquette”, the basic rules of etiquette on the Internet; Internet safety rules.
School etiquette
Let's discuss the rules of etiquette in schools.
- The concept of “Business etiquette”; business dress code; why are school uniforms introduced? etiquette in class and recess.
Etiquette and emotions
During the lesson we will learn to recognize our own and other people’s emotions, react to them correctly and turn them into our allies.
- Good and “bad” emotions; how to be angry correctly; how to develop a child's emotional intelligence.
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