“Mineral resources in the history of the Earth and their role in the development of civilization” - course 2800 rubles. from MSU, training 15 weeks. (4 months), Date: December 3, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
Course content
The course consists of 16 lectures.
1. Basic concepts of the doctrine of minerals.
2-3.Ancient and medieval (early Middle Ages and Renaissance) periods of development of mining production.
4-5. The stage of the iron-coal renaissance (19th century) is characterized. World gold rushes, the emergence of the production of agrochemical ores and salt production.
6. Aerospace and radio-electronic era. XX century (aluminum, polymetals)
7.Nuclear energy is the foundation for the development of civilization in the XXI-XXII centuries.
8.Strategic resources – rare and rare earth elements
9.Gold, silver and platinoids in the history of civilization
10.Hydromineral resources.
11. Ocean ores (black smokers, cobalt-rich iron-manganese crusts and nodules)
12. Ore and coal, oil and gas resources are the main world conflicts of the 20-21 centuries.
13-14. Rocks, minerals and ores in modern art (Collecting mineral species, semiprecious stone provinces, geomorphological unique forms of natural formations, natural stoneography, art of suiseki, Jewelry making, Synthesis of crystals for reproduction mineral resource base)
15.Precious metals and the Golden Myth
16. Platinum metals and silver in the history of civilization