Profession Psychologist-consultant - course 43,600 rub. from the International School of Professions, training 64 weeks, date December 5, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
Training program
Course blocks
1.Psychology for beginners
7 practical lessons
content and tools
1. How does a psychologist differ from other helping professions?
2.Modern approaches in psychology and personality theory
3.Basic principles of brain function
4. Patterns of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, perception)
5.Basic principles of motivation and goal setting, and what role emotions play in this
6.Ethics of a psychologist
Master it
Psychologist's competencies
Regulation of conditions
Self confidence
2.Emotional intelligence
5 practical lessons
content and tools
1.Emotional intelligence at work
2.Self-organization and self-discipline, as well as self-motivation techniques
3.Techniques for developing empathy
4.Preventing Burnout with Emotional Intelligence
5.Ways to recognize emotions
Master it
Constructive criticism
Green response
Control of emotions, thoughts and behavior
3. Developmental psychology
6 practical lessons
content and tools
1.Prenatal development
2.Psychoanalytics of child development
3. Crisis of the first year, three years and seven years
4. Physiology of the teenage crisis
5.Psychodiagnostics of mature people
6.Interaction with society in old age
Master it
Leading activity
Physiology of aging
Periodization of development
5 practical lessons
content and tools
1. Test design and psychometrics: structure of methods, standardization of tests and calculation of test results
2.Psychodiagnostic tools: types of techniques and tests, drawing up a research program and organizing research
3. Projective techniques: types and characteristics of techniques, Rorschach ink blots, drawing techniques
4.Psychodiagnostics of intelligence and cognitive processes
5.Psychodiagnostics of personality: methods for studying mental states. Personality structure questionnaires
Master it
Interpretation of results
Personality questionnaires
Associative series
Psychodiagnostics of self-awareness
5.Psychological counseling
5 practical lessons
content and tools
1.Stages of psychological counseling
2.Who and why turns to a psychologist-consultant?
3.Maintaining contact with the client. Nonverbal communication: postures and facial expressions
4. Consulting a psychologist on complex cases. Dead end in working with a client
5.Specific forms of counseling: work with a group, children and adolescents, with the elderly
6.Professional ethics, personal qualities and competencies of a consulting psychologist
Master it
Client request
Remote consulting
Consulting Agreement
6.Family counseling
5 practical lessons
content and tools
1. Forms of marriage and family relations. Stages of family formation
2. Family development: family dynamics and life cycle. Conditions for saving a marriage
3. The influence of the parental family on the scenario of one’s own family
4. Violations of parent-child relationships. Consulting parents on raising children
5. Crises of family relationships: disruption of communication, behavior of spouses
6.Divorce counseling: phases of family destabilization, stages of divorce, reasons for the breakdown of family relationships
Master it
Monogamy and polygamy
Correction of family myths
Liberal parenting style
Dynamics of divorce
7. Diagnosis of borderline disorders
5 practical lessons
content and tools
1. Differentiation between the client’s norm and pathology: ICD-10, diagnosis of symptoms.
2. Neuropsychological diagnostics and psychology of abnormal development. Diagnosis of developmental disorders
3. Diagnosis of mental disorders
4. Signs of addiction and behavior of the addict
5. Social obstacles to the recovery of people with addiction
6. Stress and psychosomatic disorders, their formation and diagnosis
Master it
Local brain lesions
Signs of suicidality
Stigmatization of addiction
Distress and eustress
8. Practical psychology: modern approaches
10 practical lessons
content and tools
1.Psychodynamic approaches. Conducting consultation on client resistance analysis
2.Psychodrama: dramatic improvisation in psychodrama, stages and participants
3. Gestalt therapy: its goals and client requests, diagnosis of contact with the client
4. Existential therapy: stages, techniques, client requests in this approach
5.Cognitive behavioral therapy. Rational Emotive Therapy
6. Areas of application of art therapy. Techniques and stages of art therapy. Fairytale therapy, play therapy, sand therapy
7.Body-oriented therapy: principles and tools for working with a client through the body
Master it
Transference and countertransference
Client-consultant interaction
Automatic thoughts
Containing experiences
9. Dealing with anxiety and panic attacks
11 practical lessons
content and tools
1. Causes of anxiety: types, symptoms, differences from phobias
2. Suppression of feelings and the consequences of this. Ways to identify and work through suppressed anger, rage and fear
3. Signs of depressive conditions. The relationship between anxiety and depression
4. The relationship between burnout and stress and anxiety
5. Varieties of traumatic events. Mental reactions to trauma. The essence of post-traumatic stress disorder
6. Dealing with panic attacks using different approaches
Master it
Suppressed feelings
Signs of Depression
Emotional burnout
Panic attacks
10.Promotion of a psychologist
5 practical lessons
content and tools
1. Expertise: highlighting the personal brand of a psychologist
2.Creating a product: main idea and content. Webinars, courses, marathons
3. Reasons to refuse further work with the client
4.Management of social networks: visual in social networks, website for a psychologist, blog
5.Organizational aspects: payment of taxes and registration of individual entrepreneurs, office rental, pricing policy
Master it
Imposter syndrome
Client base
Video content
Legal registration
This five-week online program will teach you to analyze people, their facial expressions, gestures, and actions in order to better understand motives and feelings of a person, identify hidden emotions, lies, attempts to manipulate, compose a psychological portrait.
2 990 ₽