Clerk. Conference: EPP. Annual reporting. EFS-1. Tax audits 2023 - rate 1500 rubles. from Clerk, training 2 hours, Date: December 3, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 06, 2023
For the first time on "Clerk" there is a big Clerk. Conference for all accountants, personnel officers and managers. Top experts will talk about the most painful points of 2023.
Important! For Clerk subscribers. Premium, students of advanced training courses and professional retraining of the Clerk Training Center and Certified participants of the Community of Professional Accountants, the webinar is free. We will send you access by email.
Conference program:
11:00 Transition to EPP
1. EPP and UNTS: new tax payment procedure 2023.
2. Fixed contributions for individual entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs.
3. Procedure for refunding overpayments.
4. Debt collection procedure.
5. Top questions about working with the Unified Tax Service.
Ekaterina Boldinova, tax lawyer, partner at the law firm Five Stones Consulting
12:15 Changes in annual reporting and other important changes. Auditor's recommendations
1. The most important changes that must be taken into account in the annual reporting for 2022: income tax, VAT, corporate property tax, personal income tax, insurance premiums.
2. Changes in accounting that must be taken into account when preparing financial statements.
3. New Federal Accounting Standards and annual financial statements: what to pay attention to.
4. Recommendations for audit organizations on conducting an audit of financial statements for 2022.
5. Top mistakes when preparing financial statements based on audit results.
Lyudmila Ganicheva, founder of the auditing and consulting company “Audit Standards”, certified auditor
13:30 ESF-1 and changes in personnel records
1. Changes for certain categories of employees.
2. Changes to GPC agreements.
3. EFS-1 on personnel measures and GPC agreements.
Elena Ponomareva, labor relations expert, Consulting company "PonomarevConsult"
14:45 Tax audits – 2023
1. Trends in Federal Tax Service inspections 2023.
2. On-site tax audit: who should prepare and how to minimize losses.
3. Who is responsible for audits: the manager or the chief accountant?
4. How to challenge a tax audit decision.
5. Defense tactics during tax audits.
Vasilevsky Vyacheslav, lawyer, managing partner of the Prometey group of companies
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Conference program:
11:00 Transition to EPP
1. EPP and UNTS: new tax payment procedure 2023.
2. Fixed contributions for individual entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs.
3. Procedure for refunding overpayments.
4. Debt collection procedure.
5. Top questions about working with the Unified Tax Service.
Ekaterina Boldinova, tax lawyer, partner at the law firm Five Stones Consulting
12:15 Changes in annual reporting and other important changes. Auditor's recommendations
1. The most important changes that must be taken into account in the annual reporting for 2022: income tax, VAT, corporate property tax, personal income tax, insurance premiums.
2. Changes in accounting that must be taken into account when preparing financial statements.
3. New Federal Accounting Standards and annual financial statements: what to pay attention to.
4. Recommendations for audit organizations on conducting an audit of financial statements for 2022.
5. Top mistakes when preparing financial statements based on audit results.
Lyudmila Ganicheva, founder of the auditing and consulting company “Audit Standards”, certified auditor
13:30 ESF-1 and changes in personnel records
1. Changes for certain categories of employees.
2. Changes to GPC agreements.
3. EFS-1 on personnel measures and GPC agreements.
Elena Ponomareva, labor relations expert, Consulting company "PonomarevConsult"
14:45 Tax audits – 2023
1. Trends in Federal Tax Service inspections 2023.
2. On-site tax audit: who should prepare and how to minimize losses.
3. Who is responsible for audits: the manager or the chief accountant?
4. How to challenge a tax audit decision.
5. Defense tactics during tax audits.
Vasilevsky Vyacheslav, lawyer, managing partner of the Prometey group of companies