New Year's time - this is the busiest time for trading. Crazed shoppers rush to the shops and buy gifts, including mobile gadgets, not paying attention to price tags and year of manufacture. They pick up the phone in the color of the nails of the girl, and the plate - the size of her purse. However, holiday sales - not the best time for major purchases. It is much better to acquire new gadget at any other time of the year and after a careful study of the characteristics.
How often should I update my gadget? This question has no single answer, and depends entirely on the usage model. If you are associated with information technology and depends on your job, it would be appropriate to change the mobile assistant every year. If you need, above all, dialer, and all other functions are secondary, the life cycle of the gadget is greatly increased.
In general, we can say that the rapid growth of the Android ecosystem calmed down in the last two years, and today there is no absolutely no need to throw the next $ 200-300 for a number of new features of the device or operating system. So do not hurry to sell his old friend if he copes with most tasks.
, the time to buy may also have some value. All the recent years there has been a rising trend: in the spring to provide updated HTC and Samsung devices range firms, and in the fall - LG, Google and Motorola. Accordingly, immediately after the appearance of the flagships significantly drop in price the previous models of these firms.
In matters of site selection for the purchase of mobile equipment absolute favorite recent years has been online trading. Here you can find the best price, to know many details to pay for and receive an order from the comfort of home. However, this trend there are downsides. Very often, absorbed megapixels and gigahertz performance, we did not pay attention to the tactile and visual parameters. Guided in choosing only the beautiful photos on the network can often be deceived in real size, weight and color. And what good is a powerful processor, if, as a result, such a phone you just hate to take over?
So do not be lazy before buying go shopping and see a pleasant thing firsthand. Hold in your hands, feel the weight and the convenient location of buttons, to evaluate the sound and the screen brightness. And at the price tags do not forget to glance - sometimes retailers still capable of surprises.
What to look for?
Currently, if the pre-render the device beyond the lowest price range, virtually any device copes with the basic user tasks. Already well-established standard set of dual-core processor, a gigabyte of memory and 4-5 inch screen allows us to be sure that all applications and the system will work quickly and smoothly. However, there are some really important parameters that are important when buying.
The camera is slowly becoming one of the most important functions of a modern smartphone. In addition, it is one of the modules, which is really different from product to product, depending on the unit price. Good photographic module will make from your gadget is quite a decent replacement of the soap dish. And it's not only in the number of megapixels, but also in many other settings. So before you buy check images, make the machine and read the reviews on this topic.
In the operation of your gadget, most of the time you will look at the screen, so this option should be given special attention. Think about whether or not to chase the higher resolutions, which after a certain value are virtually indistinguishable to the human eye, but felt for your wallet. Visually compare the kind of AMOLED and LCD and appreciate the difference (it really is). Ultimately, it all depends on your preference, but it is better to know in advance what you will get as a result of the purchase.
Battery capacity
This is one of the key parameters, which, moreover, has not changed much over the years of existence of Android. Battery capacity, of course, is increasing, but not least, increased inquiries devices, so the lifetime of gadgets recently ceased to be a problem. So it is very important to pay attention to the balance of the hardware component, it has not turned so that the powerful processor is adjacent to the frankly weak battery.
operating system
Stop, stop, stop, it's all Android?
Yes, but almost all manufacturers use their proprietary membrane that sometimes change Android beyond recognition. In addition, there are many third-party firmware used in gadgets Chinese companies such as Xiaomi, Oppo, Meizu, which generally have little to do with the stock Android. So figure out in advance what version of the operating system installed in the acquiree gadget and how often the company updates the firmware.