Database management systems in medicine - free course from Open Education, training 12 weeks, about 6 hours per week, Date: December 2, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 06, 2023
Candidate of Technical Sciences Position: Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Office of Educational Programs, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Module 1. Database technologies, their purpose. Functions and main components of database management systems.
1. Basic concepts (related to the subject area and data). Purpose of databases. Possible application of databases in medicine. Brief history of development.
2. Basic terminology and database concepts: entity, relationship, attribute, record, field, row, tuple, cardinality, domain, entity instance, primary key, foreign key, relation (table), cardinality relationship.
Module 2. Data models. Overview of types of data models. Basic concepts.
1. Data model. Early data models. Inverted table data model.
2. Hierarchical data model. Network data model.
Module 3. Relational model.
1. Relational algebra and relational calculus in the relational model.
2. SQL language: data manipulation and data definition.
Module 4. Basic capabilities for selecting data from a database in SQL. 1.Basic SQL operators.
2. Operators AND, OR, Not of SQL language/
3. General structure of a select statement in SQL
Module 5. Database management system – DBMS.
1. DBMS architecture
2. Classification of DBMS.
3. Client-server and file-server architecture.
4. Examples of popular DBMSs.
Module 6. Organizing, storing and working with data in a database.
1. Data types in DBMS. What does this affect?
2. Structure of the stored data. Managing memory space and data placement.
3. Methods for storing data and accessing data. Operation of databases.
4. Distribution of responsibilities in database systems.
Data administrators and database administrators. Database developers. Application programmers. Users.
Module 7. Database analysis and design methods
1. Relationships in the database. Properties of relationships. Relational keys.
2. Representation of schemas in a relational database. Relational integrity. Database protection. General information.
3. Transactions.
4. Methodology for collecting facts as preparation for design.
Module 8. Database design methodology.
1. Methodology for conceptual design of databases for medicine.
2. Methodology for logical design of relational databases using the example of medical systems.
3. Methodology for the physical design of relational databases.
Module 9. Entity-relationship method Converting an ER diagram into a database diagram.
1. Types of relationships between entities.
2. Design of ER models implemented in computer-aided database design systems (for example, ERWin).
Module 10. Methods for normalizing relational databases.
1. Purpose of normalization. Functional dependencies. Data modification anomalies. Decomposition.
2. First, second and third normal forms.
3. Multivalued dependencies and fourth, fifth and additional normal forms (Boyce-Codd, etc.).
Module 11. Designing computer medical diagnostic systems using databases.
1. Design process. Pre-project research, problem statement (goal, objectives, initial data), development of requirements, formulation of the purpose of the medical system.
2. Useful basic algorithms for data retrieval and sorting, which can be used when organizing searches in medical systems.
Module 12. Creation of databases for computer medical diagnostic systems. Example.
1. Creating a database model for a medical system.
2. Creation of tables, forms, queries, reports.
3. An example of the implementation of creating and connecting a database to a software application with an interface (in Qt).
The course studies the grammar of simple sentences with the meaning of time, cause, effect, purpose, condition, unprefixed verbs of motion, formation of the verb imperative and comparative and superlative degrees of adverbs and adjectives. As a result of mastering the course, foreign students will achieve a level of language proficiency that will allow them to successfully communicate orally and in writing in everyday, socio-cultural spheres.
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