Art therapy and modern directions of art therapy in psychological practice - course 31,400 rub. from Moscow School of Practical Psychology, training 364 academic. hours, Date: December 2, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 05, 2023
Art therapists use various forms of creativity and art to provide compassionate care to clients. For many people, art therapy is more effective than traditional verbal methods. The creative process is a valuable resource that helps move client anxiety and resistance more smoothly.
Art therapy and art therapy provide the opportunity to work with emotions and feelings, which is the basis of any form of therapy. This form of therapy allows clients to explore self-discovery and self-expression in an enjoyable and resourceful way. form, as well as work with complex and deep problems, painful topics and difficult requests.
For practicing psychologists, using an art therapy program will allow them to move to a new level of work, attract new clients and conduct sessions with them in a more comfortable and gentle format.
For new practitioners, art therapy provides a convenient way to use the creative process and created art objects during sessions and conversations. Instead of focusing on the client and his problem, the focus is on his creation, which was created through art. This inclusion of creativity makes it easier to tap into the deep potential of the unconscious and express ourselves through the language of metaphors and images.
Upon completion of training you will receive:
Knowledge, skills and experience in the use of various art therapy techniques, methods and tools necessary to successfully work as an art therapist.
Deep understanding of the essence and potential of the art therapeutic process.
Knowledge of various areas of application of art therapy, such as working with emotions, relieving tension and stress, coping burnout, resolution of interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts, assistance in decision making, support in adaptation and others areas.
- As a result, you will be prepared to effectively use art therapy with clients and have a deep understanding of its principles and use its variability to support clients in different situations and with different needs.
- As part of the training, you will master the skills of starting and ending a session, and also learn how to work with resistance from the client. You will learn techniques for facilitating discussions about creative works and finding solutions and meanings found in the creative process.
- You will gain knowledge of how to use art therapy in counseling work with adults. You will also understand the possibilities of adapting art therapeutic methods to work with children and adolescents.
- As a result of training, you will be able to successfully start and complete art therapy sessions, adapt approaches to specific clients, conduct effective discussions on creative work and find meaningful solutions in it and meanings
During the training you will master the following skills
Mastering techniques that help increase your resource potential and reduce client resistance.
Studying methods of working with various emotions, feelings and requests, such as fear, anger, sadness, uncertainty, internal conflicts, problems in relationships and communication, self-esteem and many others.
Master mental hygiene and burnout prevention techniques to help yourself and clients maintain mental well-being and avoid feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion.
Studying motivational techniques that will help inspire and support the client in the process of work, as well as mastering other useful techniques and techniques.
Training program - 364 hours
Psychological counseling
Goals and objectives of psychological counseling. Types of psychological assistance. Organization of psychological counseling. Stages of psychological counseling. Ethical principles of psychological counseling. Requirements for a consulting psychologist. Skills of a psychological consultant. Basic skills of a psychological consultant. Sophisticated counseling skills. Specialized counseling skills. Methods of psychological counseling. Testing in psychological counseling. Basic queries in psychological counseling. Types of clients. Anxiety disorders. Basic queries in psychological counseling. OCD; hysterical, paranoid, schizoid, narcissistic personality type. Basic queries in psychological counseling. Working with grief and crying clients. Theories of psychological counseling. Client resistance. Assessing the effectiveness of psychological counseling.
Professional ethics of a psychologist
Basic concepts, features of professional ethics of a psychologist, specifics of helping professions. Code of Ethics. Therapeutic contract, violation of EC RPO, typical mistakes of a consulting psychologist. Levels of human consciousness, levels of the unconscious, semantic principles of work. Empathy, rapport, transference, countertransference. Moral dilemma, emotional burnout.
Modern trends in art therapy
Historical milestones in the development of art therapy. The stage of predecessors and pioneers in art therapy (until the end of the 50s of the 20th century). The initial phase of the formation of art therapy (1960-1980). Transition to evidence-based art therapy (1990-2000). Problems of modern foreign art therapy. Development of art therapy in the Russian Federation.
Art therapeutic techniques in group work
Features of group art therapy. Characteristics of different forms of group art therapy. Organization of group art therapy work. Psychotherapeutic factors of group work. Working with different client groups.
Practical art therapy tools
Practical tools for art therapy. Art therapy session. Directions and forms of Art therapy. Bibliotherapy. Clay therapy. Mandalotherapy. Phototherapy.
Workshop on art therapy
Projective technique “Tree”. Exercise “My coat of arms”. Exercise “State”. Exercise “Getting rid of fear.” Exercise "Doodle". Exercise “Bad dreams”.
Practice, consulting, case methods
Final interdisciplinary exam