Maxon Cinema 4D r21. 3D graphics for motion
Miscellaneous / / December 05, 2023
Cinema 4D – one of the most popular programs for creating 3D graphics, used to solve a wide variety of problems: visualization of interiors, modeling of objects for 3D printing and games, creation of special effects for cinema and content for television broadcast. Animation support, high-quality rendering, an intuitive interface, and built-in support for the Russian language make it especially popular among the Russian-speaking audience. This program is an excellent choice for designers who want to quickly and efficiently get excellent results in any of the areas related to 3D graphics.
In Cinema 4d lessons you will master working with basic program objects, as well as learn basic modeling methods more complex 3D objects for their subsequent texturing, lighting, animation and export to Adobe After Effects.
The course is of interest primarily to video designers who want to learn how to add both static and and animated 3D scenes with photorealistic lighting and materials without preliminary rendering in video file.
Benefits of the course:
- The course takes into account the innovations of the latest version of the program and offers, among other things, an introduction to all the new tools.
- The course program focuses on the truly important features of Maxon Cinema 4d, allowing you to quickly move from study to work.
- Our Cinema 4d lessons are designed for both beginners and experienced professionals. All you need is first-level knowledge of Photoshop and the basics of After Effects.
- The teacher has extensive experience in creating 3D graphics and examines in class examples that are as close as possible to real problems.
- Students are provided with electronic educational materials that can be conveniently viewed on a PC or tablet.
- After the course you will receive an international certificate and a certificate of advanced training.
- A free employment service will help graduates find decent work after graduation.
You will learn:
- navigate the package interface;
- work with basic Cinema 4D tools;
- create and edit three-dimensional objects;
- texture and illuminate complex three-dimensional scenes using standard light sources;
- export projects to Adobe After Effects.
Module 1. General information about the program and its basic settings (1 ac. h.)
- History of the development of Cinema 4D.
- Practical purpose of the program and examples of use.
- Basic program settings.
- General scene settings.
Module 2. Program interface and view management (1 ac. h.)
- View management.
- Settings for viewing objects in views.
- Toolbars and object list manager.
- Object attributes window.
- Browser of pre-installed libraries.
Module 3. Basic operations with objects (2 ak. h.)
- Creation and editing of simple objects.
- Transformation of objects.
- Changing the shape of objects using bending, twisting, compression, etc. deformers.
- Grouping of objects.
- Logical operations on objects.
- Practical exercises.
Module 4. Fundamentals of polygonal modeling of objects (4 ac. h.)
- The concept of a polygonal (mesh) object.
- Converting basic primitives into a polygonal object and managing its components.
- Mesh menu and basic polygonal modeling tools.
- Sculptural modeling of objects.
- Practical exercises.
Module 5. Creating objects based on splines (4 ak. h.)
- The concept of a NURBS object and its differences from a polygonal object.
- Creating and editing splines.
- Use of basic NURBS modifiers: improved extrusion, rotation around an axis, etc.
- Practical exercises.
Module 6. Rendering systems and basic materials (4 ac. h.)
- Review of rendering systems. Selecting the optimal system for the job.
- Classic and node material editors.
- Basic properties of materials.
- Creation of texture material.
- Control of additional material properties: transparency, reflection, etc.
- Creation of materials with the desired properties.
- Methods of applying material to an object.
- Applying multiple materials to one object.
-Practical exercises.
Module 7. Scene lighting using standard light sources (2 ac. h.)
- Main types of light sources and use cases.
- Manage the properties of light sources.
- Practical exercises.
Module 8. Basics of key animation of objects and working with the MoGraph module (4 ac. h.)
- The concept of key animation.
- Animation of object parameters using keys.
- Working with the Timeline palette. Kind of like key frames.
- Manage animation using the curve manager.
- Adding and animation of camera movement.
- Basics of object animation using the MoGraph module.
- Practical exercises.
Module 9. Rendering animation into a video file. Interaction with Adobe After Effects (2 ac. h.)
- Visualization of an animation scene with subsequent loading into video editors.
- Rendering settings optimal for fast rendering.
- Adding special rendering effects (depth of field, motion blur, etc.)
- Calculation of animation with data on the movement of objects with subsequent export to Adobe After Effects.
- Practical exercises.