“Organization of educational, research and project activities in the field of ecology in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” - course 15,000 rubles. from MSU, training 4 weeks. (1 month), Date: December 1, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 05, 2023
Program volume (academic hours): 72 hours (32 classroom hours)
Form of study: full-time, distance learning
Class dates: as groups are recruited
Admission requirements: higher professional education or secondary specialized education
Program Manager: Kovaleva Natalia Olegovna, Email: [email protected], tel. 8-495-939-22-89
Responsible for additional education: Timofeeva Elena Aleksandrovna, Email: [email protected], tel. 8 (903) 22-33-99-2, 8(495)939-22-33
If necessary, the program can be adapted to the customer’s requirements - expanded, removed, or the necessary topics added to the curriculum of the additional education program
Who is this course for?
The professional development program was developed for teachers of primary schools, after-school groups, middle and high schools, educational and scientific centers, employees educational and methodological classrooms, whose job responsibilities include fulfilling the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and organizing research and project activities schoolchildren.
What will you learn?
Using the example of the objects of the Science Park and laboratories of Moscow State University (landscape park, experimental plots, lysimeter test site, chemical analytical laboratory, laboratory electron microscopy) You will become familiar with the possibilities for schoolchildren to study components and processes in ecosystems using simple field equipment. Students will learn how to properly organize field and laboratory experience in a student’s research project, what stages it should consist of field and office periods, how to correctly format and present the results of the research, where and how they can be demonstrated and publish.
In what format are classes held?
The course includes lectures, practical, laboratory and demonstration classes, and independent work. Upon successful completion of the educational program, students will receive a certificate of advanced training of the established type.
1. Methodology for teaching and organizing project activities in the field of ecology for schoolchildren of various age groups
1.1 Scientific and methodological foundations for organizing educational, professional, project, research and other activities of students. Goals and objectives of organizing student project activities. Selection and justification of the research topic. Sections and structure of project work, requirements for them.
1.2 Introduction to the project through modern educational technologies. Classification of educational technologies. Problem-based learning technology. Game simulation methods
1.3 Technologies for analyzing situations for project activities. Situational analysis and its types. Brainstorming technology. Method of morphological analysis. Inversion method. Nominal group method. Program-role method. Techniques for eliminating deadlock situations. The method of forced relationships. Group discussion.
2. Principles of organizing and conducting laboratory and field research..
2.1 Labor protection and safety requirements when organizing work. Requirements for measuring instruments, testing and auxiliary equipment, rules for working with them. Requirements for working with reagents and materials and their disposal. Organization of the workplace.
2.2 Rules for the establishment and preparation of the experimental site. Requirements for organizing field experience
2.3. Keeping records in laboratory and field journals. Rules for keeping records in field and laboratory journals. Statistical data processing. Techniques for filling out and using electronic databases to generate reports in accordance with established regulations 2.4. Organization of independent work of students in the project activities. Current control, assessment of the dynamics of preparedness and motivation of students in the process of project preparation.
3 Experimental part of the design and research work
3.1 Setting project goals and objectives. General scheme for performing chemical analysis. Measurement methods. Techniques for performing laboratory work. Calculations in chemical analysis of soils
3.2 Selection and preparation of samples for analysis, description of the section, experimental site. Rules and methods of sampling, descriptions of the sampling site. Equipment and devices for sampling.
3.3 Rules for laying out and describing the soil section, rules for describing the landscape and vegetation.
4 Methods of quantitative and qualitative determination and quantitative measurement in accordance with the objectives of the project.
4.1 Classification of research methods. The choice of method depends on the objectives of the study and the age group of students.
4.2 Aerospace methods
4.3 Comparative geographical methods
4.4 Morphological methods
4.5 Physico-chemical methods of laboratory research
4.6 Chemical methods
4.7 Biological methods
4.8 Small-plot field experiments
4.9 Field ecological studies
4.10 Methods of mathematical and statistical analysis used in processing measurement results. Processing of analysis results. Rounding rules
5 Registration and presentation of the results of design research work
5.1 Methods and techniques for spatial display of data obtained in various fields of research using geographic information technologies. Modern requirements and forms of presenting research results. Differences between methods for constructing graphs and diagrams.
5.2 Types and sources of errors when presenting results. Review of completed projects.
6 Preparation of presentations and publications on the topic
6.1 Rules for registration and requirements for demonstrating the results of project activities. Requirements of evaluation commissions, preparation of students for participation in conferences, exhibitions and other competitions. Algorithms for creating unique presentations
6.2 Preparation of a public or poster presentation, round table format. Requirements for performances. Preparation of abstracts, articles, electronic publications and other printed versions of data presentation
final examination - exam