JS: Functional programming - course 3900 rub. from Hexlet, training 12 hours, Date: December 1, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 04, 2023
Included in the course
- 9 lessons (video and/or text)
- 11 exercises in the simulator
- 40 verification tests
- Additional materials
- Help in "Discussions"
- Access to other courses on the platform
What will you learn
- Evaluate the complexity of functions and simplify their code
- Advanced use of closures
- Use function composition to solve real-world problems
You will learn what first order functions are. You'll learn how to reduce function complexity and understand how functions behave in compound expressions. You'll learn how to use closures, returning functions from functions, currying, and partial applications. The knowledge from this course will help you design concise and efficient programs by separating side effects from clean code. This course is suitable for those continuing to learn JavaScript. To make learning easier, you should study the JS: Functions and JS: Objects courses in advance.
Get to know the course and prepare your environment.
Guard Expression
Learn to reduce function complexity
Default Settings
Learn about the new syntax that allows you to set default parameters
Execution of functions
Deepen your understanding of how functions behave in compound expressions.
First class facilities
Learn that functions are data
Lexical Environment
Repeat material about environments in javascript
Returning functions from functions
Learn to generate new functions based on old ones. Explore the concept of "closure".
Partial application
Learn code reduction techniques
Understand what currying is and why it is useful
Additional materials
Articles and videos curated by the Hexlet team. Will help you dive deeper into the topic of the course