Kubernetes for developers - free course from Slurm, training 2 months, Date: December 1, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 04, 2023
30–40 minutes. YouTube broadcast
— We have dozens of built infrastructures and hundreds of written CI/CD pipelines,
— Certified Kubernetes Administrator,
— Author of several courses on Kubernetes and DevOps,
— Regular speaker at Russian and international IT conferences.
— Engineer with 8 years of experience,
— Certified Kubernetes Administrator,
— Kubernetes implementations for Southbridge clients,
— Course developer and speaker Slurm.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Kubernetes
- What is Kubernetes
- What problems does it solve?
- Overview of working with a cluster
- Bare-metal vs Private Cloud vs Managed
Speaker: Marcel Ibraev, Slurm
Lesson 2: Creating your own cluster in VK Cloud Solutions. Application Abstractions
- Creating your own cluster in VK Cloud Solutions
- VK Cloud Solutions interface overview
- Review of options for creating your own cluster. Cluster installation
- Features of the VK Cloud Solutions cluster: access to specialists, auto-healing
- Application Abstractions
- Pod
Speaker: Pavel Selivanov, VK Cloud Solutions
Lesson 3: Application Abstractions (continued)
- ReplicaSet
- Deployment
- Namespace
- Resources: how to work with cluster resources correctly
Speaker: Pavel Selivanov, VK Cloud Solutions
Lesson 4: Storing Configurations
- Environment Variables
- Secret
- ConfigMap
Speaker: Sergey Bondarev, Southbridge
Lesson 5: Data Storage
- Kubernetes' ability to store application data
- VK Cloud Solutions capabilities for data storage
- Persistent volume
- Persistent volume claim
- EmptryDir and HostPath
Speaker: Sergey Bondarev, Southbridge
Lesson 6: Network Abstractions
- Health checkReadiness
- Liveness
- Startup
- Service
- Service Discovery: DNS
- ClusterIP
- ExternalName
- LoadBalancer
- IngressNginx working mechanism
- Customization with annotations: rewrite, tls, basic auth, backend protocol, GRPC
Speaker: Marcel Ibraev, Slurm
Lesson 7: Cluster design
- Cluster components: etcd, api, controller-manager
- How the application starts
Speaker: Pavel Selivanov, VK Cloud Solutions
Lesson 8: Local development in Kubernetes
- Minikube
- Automatic code update in the pod
- Local environment deployment tools
Speaker: Pavel Selivanov, VK Cloud Solutions
Lesson 9: Oneshot tasks
- Job
- CronJob
Speaker: Marcel Ibraev, Slurm
Lesson 10: Deployment Alternatives
- DaemonSet
- StatefulSet
Speaker: Sergey Bondarev, Southbridge
Lesson 11: Authorization in the cluster
- Kubeconfig
- PSLimit Range
- Resource Quota
- Cluster restrictions
Speaker: Sergey Bondarev, Southbridge
Lesson 12: Improving the Developer Experience with OneAPI
Lesson 13: Features of language in Kubernetes
- Java CPU utilization control
- Java car tuning
- App server startup time
- PythonWorkers
- Output buffering (PYTHONUNBUFFERED)
- GoGoroutines
Speaker: Pavel Selivanov, VK Cloud Solutions
Lesson 14: Kubernetes and working with data. Using Spark in Kubernetes
- Getting to know Spark
- The basics of how Spark works in Kubernetes
- Practical skills in working with Spark in Kubernetes
Speaker: Alexander Volynsky, VK Cloud Solutions
Lesson 15: Debugging applications in a cluster
- Kubernetes Features
- Connecting profilers
- Pprof
- Best Practice for working with containers in production
Speaker: Pavel Selivanov, VK Cloud Solutions
Lesson 16: Solutions for Deep & Machine Learning
- Solutions optimized for Intel processors
Speaker: Dmitry Sivkov, Intel
Lesson 17: Autoscaling in a Kubernetes Cluster
- Cluster autoscaling
Speaker: Pavel Selivanov, VK Cloud Solutions
Lesson 18: Application Templating
- Review of existing tools
- Helm
Speaker: Marcel Ibraev, Slurm
Lesson 19: Tarantool
Speaker: Ivan Naydenov
Lesson 20: The architecture of modern processors and how the data center is structured
Speaker: Mikhail Tsvetkov, Intel
Lesson 21: CI/CD. Part 1
- GitLab integration
- Testing
- Build the image
- Deploy with Helm
Speaker: Sergey Bondarev
Lesson 22: CI/CD. Part 2
- Hooks
- Connect DBaaS VK Cloud Solutions
- Debug
Speaker: Sergey Bondarev
Lesson 23: Intel Tools for Improving Application Performance
- Vsevolod Semushin, Cloud Solutions Architect, Intel Russia
- Alexander Kanevsky, Cloud Software Architect, Intel Finland
- Alexey Fomenko, Cloud Software Engineer, Intel Finland
Lesson 24: Using Kubernetes Power in Your Applications
- Libraries for Kubernetes
- Working with the API
Speaker: Pavel Selivanov, VK Cloud Solutions
Lesson 25 (December 23): Summarizing
We will announce the results, celebrate the best students, and celebrate the New Year.